Chapter Ten (Last First Kiss)

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"Where here" I say to Taylor has I pull up to a lake.

"a lake?" She asks me with a confused look on her face.

"where swimming" I say to has a I oped the door

"I did't bring my bathing suit" She says back and turns red.

"I know I say" I open the back door and pull out a bag "I asked Selena to pack you one, I didn't wanna ruin your surprise" I say and laugh, relief forms on her face "you can change in the car I will meet you by the water" I say close the door and go running to the water

(5 mins later)

"what about you?"Taylor asks walking up behind me.

"I have my underwear" She starts to laugh has I take of my shirt and pants

"seriously?" she asks me, She must have thought I was kidding

"Are you coming?" I ask has I start
to walk into the water, than I dive underwater, Taylor follows

we are about the same height I only might have a inch or two on her, so the water was up to the same point right about our shoulders.

"It's strange how I don't know you at all" I say looking into her beautiful blues eyes.

"Harry?" She says her eyes start to sadden

"yea?" I ask her

"I had fun these past two days" She says to me, I can tell she is hiding something "don't forget me, but don't hold on" I was trying to make sense of what she is telling me.


"how could I forget you" He says back to and pulls me into him" The water was cold but it felt nice, especially when I was in Harry's arm.

"good" I say a cuddle into his chest, but I quickly

"are you ok?" He asks me

"why?" I ask sharply and look into his eyes

"why what?" he ask confused

"why me?" I ask him "why did you choose me, there are million girls out there, why did you save me?"

"why?" He says, I can tell he asking himself that "because the moment I saw your eyes, I fell, madly in love with you, like magic"

I kissed his Lips softly..

Four Hours Later...

"I guess this is it" Harry says standing outside a limo that drove us to airport.

"yea" I say and look at ground, stay nonchalant.

"Taylor" He says and pushes my head up so I am looking into his eyes

"yea?" I say

"Don't forget me" He says has he wraps his arms around me.

"I have to" I say, if I don't I will never get over him, his eyes sadden "you're Harry Styles and I am well just Taylor Swift, A girl that no one knows, and will never know" I say has a back away from his arms

"Well Taylor, I will never ever forget you, because you are not just Taylor Swift you are the girl who taught Harry Styles to love, you are the first girl with the power to brake my heart, you are the girl that's voice is going to change the world someday." He finishes and all I can do is stare into his eyes.

"Harry it's time to go" Louis calls ar Harry, Louis kisses Selena one last time they hug and say I will see you in a week, If Only I could see Harry in a week.

"I love you, Taylor" He says and gives me one last kiss, than he walks to his plane and doesn't even turn back once.

"I love you" I say under my breathe.


i hate my job. Okay, maybe that is a lie, I love it I love my fans, but none of that matter if I don't Have Taylor. I need Taylor. I know I barely know her and I only have known her for two days but It feels like I have known her my whole life. I love her, and I will come back for her, I will marry her, we will have kids, and live a happily ever after. Just like I always have wanted.

"Oh my gosh!" I hear Liam say has he is looking at his phone.

"what?" I hear Niall ask

"we are nominated for a VMA!" liam screams.

we all jump out of are seats and scream and jump like teenage girls after there crush asks them out on a date. At least that's what I think they do.

"We are taking off, please take your seats" I hear the pilot say, I take my seat next to Louis.

"how was it?" Louis asks me

"how was what?" I ask him even though I know what he is about to ask

"saying goodbye" He asks

"suckish" I say and stare out the window "what do you think" I say maybe that was little cruel

"Ok" He says and we stop talking.

I continue to stare out the window and feel myself fall asleep.

"I love you more than, anything, everything, in the whole universe" I say "I have loved you from the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the girl for me" I continue and grab her hands

"I love you Harry'" She says "more than anything, I want to be with you forever"

"marry me?" I say has I get down on one knee and pull out a ring.

"YES! YES! YES!" she says while jumping up ad down.

we hug and kiss.

I can't believe it, I am marrying the girl of my dreams. the perfect, sweetest, kindest, most beautiful girl I have ever met. She is the girl for me.

I look into her beautiful blue eyes, and I grab her beautiful blonde her.

"we are actually going to do this" I say and kiss

"I love you" She says again and kisses me.

"HAZ!" i hear someone scream

"what?" I ask

"you slept all eight hours we are in London." Louis says

"really?" I ask confused, and a little upset that it was only a dream

"yes, now get up sleepy head!" he pulls me up and I think he has forgiving me for what I said


"he is amazing, incredible, and I can't believe I didn't notice before" Selena says to me "he is the guy of my dream" she continues, I try to listen but it is hard because all I can see and hear is Harry face and voice.

"tay!" She says and shakes me "are you listening?"

"yea" I say "sorry" I can tell she can hear the sadness in my voice.

"sorry" she says "it's not fair, how are you?" She asks and puts her arm over my shoulder"

"it just" I say and pause "it just not fair that he isn't around" I hear my voice sounding more annoyed "I told myself not to fall!" I feel the tears rolling down my eyes "UGH!" I scream

Selena gives me a big hug.

all I can think is... Come Back.. Be Here.

a/n Sorry for it being so short!

I think in the next chapter I am going to skip ahead a little bit!

but what do you think? do you like it?

and I think i am going to make a sequel don't worry this book is not close to being done, but I am just thinking ahead.

and also if you like this, check out my other fan fiction, begin again, it is a love triangle!!!

thanks for reading! seriously y'all are amazing!! thank you soo soo much!!! love you guys<3

well until next time


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