Chapter Eight (Kiss You)

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"HAZ! TAY!" I hear a voice call from outside the door

"you guys alive?" Another voice calls from outside, this time it is a girls voice.

"what time is it?" I hear taylor ask, she was laying next to me on the couch.

I turn on my phone, to see it says 10 am!!!!

"10" I sag and laugh

"10!!" Taylor screamed "my mom is gonna kill me"

than the door burst open. Taylor and I were still next to each other on the couch and my search was off

"woah what is this?" Louis says, has He and Selena walk into the room.

"it's nothing!" Taylor says puts on her shoes "Selena take me home?"

"I can take you" I interrupt her

"it's fine,let's go Selena" Taylor says and walks out of the room.

"ok" Selena says with a shocked look on her face " bye harry" she kisses me on the cheek "bye Lou" she kissed harry on the cheek, she starts walking out of the room.

"wait!" I say

"yea?" she turns around

"what just happened?" I ask her confused I though we bonded, I mean I am into her and I thought she was into me.

"Look Haz, she probable really does like you, but you have to remember, the last relationship was in" She gives me a look

"I would love to stay and chat, but I have a best friend in need, bye" She says and walls out of the room

"wow, man you just got rejected" Louis said and started laughing, I gave him a glare that said, that wasn't funny.

"sorry" he says

"You have to listen to her, she is amazing" I tell him and pull out the tape, but I promised her I would only show Scott, the record manager

"Wait I can't" I say and give him a apologetic look

"I have heard her, Selena sent me a recording she is amazing" He says "don't take it personally, you were a witness of how her last relationship ended" He said, it did give me a little comfort, but I knew she was the girl for me and I was going to get her to trust me.

but how?


"i'm an idiot" I say looking out the window, I had the best night with Harry and what happened next I ran out.

"no your not" Selena replies and pulls up to an Icecream parlor, they Ice cream place.

"wh-what are we doing here?" I ask a look away from the place

"you like Harry right?" Selena ask me

"yes" I reply

"in order to let yourself, love Harry, you have to get rid of thing that is holding you back" She says.

"like Kill Luke?" I ask, I hate him I really hate him but I would never ever kill him.

"NO! but I wish" Selena says and we both start laughing "

"no but not be afraid of him anymore, and we start with where it happened" She say open her car door and I follow

"Can I have two small cookies and cream" Selena ask the lady behind the counter,we take are icecream and sit down.

I can't take it anymore.. flashes of Luke's face are everywhere, I need to get out of here.


"Taylor!!" I hear Selena scream "are you ok?"

"I ju-just really-" I was interrupted

"Hello Taylor." I look and up and it's Luke.

"go away!" I hear Selena snap at him.

"Can't talk for yourself anymore Tay?" He says and sit's Next to me.

"get away from her!"


Louis and I walked into an Ice cream parlor when I saw Taylor and Selena eating and than I saw Luke.

"Get away from her!" I shout from across the parlor and up to Taylor's table.

"what did you say to me?" Luke says and stands up.

"you heard him, leave me alone" I hear taylor say, wow was not expecting that

"oh shut up Taylor" Luke turns around and punches Taylor into the wall. I see her hit her head. Selena screams and Louis runs over.

I don't think it I just punch Luke has hard Has I can,he falls on to the ground. When he see's Taylor on the ground and tries to run but I am push him has hard as I can but it not strong enough he still runs out of the Ice cream parlor. Than I notice Taylor is still on the ground.

"she isn't waking up!" Selena says and starts crying, Louis grabs her to comfort her.

I dial 911.

"hello, what is your emrgency?" I hear through the phone.

"My girlfriend" girlfriend? "she hit her head and is unresponsive"

"ok help is on the way"

I hope they hurry.


so what do you guys think?? I am still writing on my phone and will be for a while sorry :(

but I hope you guys like the story! Thanks for reading! and if you enjoyed please vote and share!! I appreciate good and bad comments! thank you!

well until next time,

XOXO Katie

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