[Chapter 1] Breaking Up

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Author's Note: DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY READ "BREAKING UP." This is the exact same story, just that this one is public =) alright! Enjoy! -rac06h10ael

-Anthony's POV-

I walked through the front door with my arms filled with snack bags and two coke bottles. Kalel had called me and said she needed me home quick. On my way back from shooting a Smosh video with Ian, I decided to stop by the gas station quick mart and pick up some things for Kalel and me to eat and drink while we had our annual Wednesday movie night, which usually happens when I return from editing.

Instead of being welcomed home with a kiss on the cheek, I was slapped on the cheek. I dropped the things in my arms and clutched my burning cheek. I felt something wet; I removed my hands and saw that the crimson liquid filled the cracks of my palm. Kalel must've caught me with her ring.

"Okay, Kalel. I get you're upset, but why!?! Did I not get back quick enough? I'm sorry! I thought you would like me picking up some things for tonight," I inquired, wiping my hand on my shirt.

She crossed her arms, "Are you fucking serious right now?"

"What?" I was so confused, "What did I do!?!"

"Anthony, what's today's date?"

I glanced over at the calendar that hung on our wall and adjusted my vision so I could see what it is. And in big red letters, smack dab in the center of the month, was OUR ANNIVERSARY sprawled out over a small box.

I smacked my forehead and slowly looked back at her, "Kalel, I'm so sorry, I thought I had one more day! Honestly!"

Kalel shook her head, "No, Anthony. You didn't. And you don't have one more day to make this up."

I stared at her in bewilderment. "Kalel, I'm sorry."

Tears began to stream down her cheeks, "Sorry is not going to cut it this time. I'm done with your little mistakes, Anthony," She slipped the engagement ring off of her finger and handed it to me.

"No!" I shoved the ring back at her, "I'm sorry, Kalel! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please, please give me one more chance."

"You had the entire day! You could've done something in the morning, like, make me breakfast in bed. Or called me and told me you loved me while you were shooting! But no...you didn't even realize it until now," She looked behind me to see the clock, "at ten thirty at night. I reminded you every day this week!"


She clenched her jaw, "Three years. We've been together for three years. And you can't even bother to remember our anniversary!"

"I'm sorry!" I pleaded.

"No, I'm done, Anthony," She threw the engagement ring on the ground, walked past me and picked up her keys off of the table. She grabbed her jacket and went outside, getting in her car and driving away. Once she was out of my sight, a crack of thunder sounded and it began to pour. Ironic for the way I felt.

-Ian's POV-

I was sitting in the office, editing the video Anthony and I just made today. I was struggling - Anthony usually is the one to do this, but Kalel called him right before we were going to edit and he had to leave abruptly.

I was staring at the screen, trying to figure out what to do next, when Melanie walked into the room and wrapped her arms around my neck, "How is editing going, babe?"

"Not good," I chuckled, trying to figure out how to undo the thing I just did.

"How about you take a break from this and you and I can get a late bite?" She suggested, walking around the chair and sitting on the desk, swinging her legs like a little kid.

I leaned back in the chair and looked up at her, "Melanie, I can't. It's Wednesday, and I've got to have this video up by Friday! It's going to take me a while, and I've literally only edited thirty seconds of this supposed-to-be five minute video."

She stood up and crossed her arms, "Okay, babe," She bent down and kissed me on the cheek, "Maybe next time!" I leaned forward and played with a few things as she walked out of the office.

I began to mess with the video more when Melanie burst back into the office, "No! You know what? I'm sick of you working on Smosh shit."

"What?" I turned around and looked back at her, "What are you talking about?" Her sudden change of behavior perplexed me.

"I'm talking about how you never seem to have time for me. It's always 'Oh, I'm busy with recording,' or, 'I'd love to, but Anthony and I have to do this,' or, 'Sorry, I'm editing.' Well I'm done waiting for you to find time to be with me!" She stomped her foot and clenched her fists.

"Melanie!" I stood up, gripping her upper arms gently, "What's gotten into you?"

Her eyes began to water and she began to sob. The angry person she was evolved into this really sensitive, sad person. I was worried.

"Melanie..." I pulled her into a hug. She wiggled her way out and shook her head.

"No, Ian. I-I-I can't take you focusing more on your st-st-stupid Smosh stuff more than you do on m-m-me!" She cried.

"Smosh stuff is not stupid," I remarked, taking a step back, "We're doing the best we've ever done in years! With over twelve million subscribers!"

"See!?!" Melanie shrieked, covering her face with her hands, "This is exactly what I mean! Smosh means more to you than a six year relationship!"

"That's not tr..."

She bolted out of the office before I could even finish my sentence.

"Melanie! I thought you understood this!" I tried running after her, but she left before I could even catch up to her. I watched out of the window as she drove away in the rain. I closed the blinds and slid down to the floor, where I thought about what just happened.

-BOOK 1/4 IN SERIES- Getting Even (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now