[Chapter 2] What a Coincidence

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-Melanie's POV-

As I drove away from Ian's house, I started to really think about and regret what I just did. He's always been busy doing Smosh stuff before and for some reason tonight, it really bothered me. Was it that he declined my invitation to a late night dinner? No, it couldn't be. I wouldn't just up and leave someone for not wanting to go out. Why did I do that?

I stopped at red light. Maybe I should go back, I thought, Maybe I could turn around right now and burst back through his front door and hug him tightly and say... In the middle of my thought, some asshole behind me beeped his horn.

I looked up and saw the light was green. I pushed down on the gas pedal and sped forward. So much for going back to Ian's.

I hadn't realized it, but I hadn't turned the radio on. And the pitter-pattering of the rain was quite soothing. As I approached my friend's house, I was a lot calmer than I was walking out on Ian.

I walked up to the door and knocked. She swung open the door.

"Melanie! What the hell are you doing out in the rain?" Corin shouted, welcoming me into her home. Without me responding, she went onto further questioning, "What's wrong, Mels?"

I turned around slowly, crossing my arms uncomfortably, "I called it off with Ian."

"What? Honey!" She pulled me in for a hug, despite how drenched I was, "What happened? Wait, let me get something first."

She directed me to the couch as she went into the kitchen to make us some tea. She came back and sat down right beside me. I told her all that went down, almost being unable to finish it by the end, I was in tears.

"I'm so sorry, Mels."

"I know!" I cried, "We've been together for six years and today I just burst! I don't even know why!"

She shook her head in disbelief. Just then, my phone went off.

"Alright, Mels," Corin stated, followed by a yawn, "I got to go to bed. Feel free to sleep here tonight, you always have the guest room," She stood up and winked at me.

I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was Kalel. I set my tea cup down and answered it, "Hello? Kalel?"

"Hey Melanie," She replied, "I was just wondering if...I could stay at your place tonight." Her voice was soft, and she seemed distracted.

"Uh...I'd love to, maybe some other time though. I'm not at my place right now."

She was hesitant to respond, "What?"

"Yeah...I, uh, I'm at my friend Corin's house right now."


"Yeah...but, I'm sure she wouldn't mind having another person stay over..." I held my hand over the speaker and looked down the hallway. Corin had already slipped into her bedroom, "You know what? Come over here as soon as you can. I'll meet you at the front door!"

"Awesome! I'll be right over!" And she hung up.

I walked down the bedroom hallway and knocked on her door, "Corin?"

"What?" I heard Corin groan. I opened the door slightly and saw her curled up in bed. "Do you mind if Kalel comes over tonight too?" No response, "I'm going to take that as a yes! See you in the morning, Corin!" I closed her door quietly and tiptoed back into the front room.

A few minutes later, Kalel arrived. I opened the door and invited her in. She was just like me a few hours ago, soaked from the downpour that suddenly hit.

"So, why did you want to come over to my place?" I asked, locking the door and sitting beside her on the couch.

She shook her head, "You know how today was Anthony's and my three year anniversary?" I nodded my head, "Well...I've been reminding him for almost a week and he forgot about it."

I gasped, "No way."

She nodded her head, "And I just...couldn't take any more of his mistakes anymore. You know what I mean? Like...I reminded him every day, there even was a reminder on the calendar! Yet, he still managed to go to the shoot he and Ian were doing and completely ignore me all day."

"Wait...so you dumped him?"

"I gave him the engagement ring back," She murmured.

I pulled her in for a side hug, "I'm sorry."

She began to cry, "It's just...I thought he was the one. You know? But...Smosh is clearly more important to him than his own fiance."

My eyes widened, "One sec, so, you called it off with him because of Smosh?" Kalel nodded her head, "I broke up with Ian because of Smosh too!"

"What?" She sat back and looked at me, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah! I don't know exactly what came over me, but I was sick and tired of him always putting me second!"

"Oh my god! What a coincidence!"

I stood up, "This is unbelievable!"

She stood up too, "And it happened on the same day!"

She and I stared at each other for a little bit and then broke out into laughter. I stopped abruptly.

"What?" Kalel questioned.

"We have to keep it down," I whispered, "Corin's sleeping." She nodded her head in understanding.

I walked into the hallway and picked out some bed sheets from Corin's linen closet. I handed them to Kalel, "Here, you can sleep on the couch. I'll be in the guest room if you need me."

"Alright!" Kalel stated as she began to lay out the sheets.

I escaped into the guest room and lie down on the twin bed. I couldn't believe that Kalel ended it with Anthony. I mean, they were engaged! And I can't believe I ended it with Ian...he was probably the best thing that's ever happened to me...

-BOOK 1/4 IN SERIES- Getting Even (YouTube FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu