[Chapter 18] Stop It!

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-Anthony's POV-

Rachael and I were sitting outside on the terrace on one of those chaise chairs. She was in my arms and our fingers were interlocked by my waist. I looked down at her as the sunset made her skin glow a bright yellow color and the sun reflected off of her sunglasses. And even though she was only in denim shorts and an oversized sweatshirt, she looked amazing.

This was perfect to me - no worries about going to some dinner that's supposed to be for me and Kalel's honeymoon, no worries about being married to Kalel, no worries at all. I could be who I was around Rach, not that I wasn't with Kalel...but Rachael isn't going to tell me I can't hang out with someone or make me chose between two people.

Then I heard Natalie shout, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Me and Rachael stood up and looked inside of the house, "Oh shit," I mumbled under my breath.

Kalel was about to yell at Natalie when she saw me, "Anthony!" She shrieked, stomping up to me, "What are you doing here? You said you'd stop seeing her!"

"You can't tell me who I can and can't see, Kalel," I replied calmly.

"Yes I can! I'm your wife! And don't care who you hang out with, as long as it's not these two bitches!" She pointed to Rachael and Natalie. Both of them shot her a look of disgust.

"They're not bitches. Neither of them!" I argued, "You're the bitch Kalel!"

She scoffed in shock, "Excuse me? Did you just call your wife a bitch?" I crossed my arms over my chest. Then she began to whimper and tear up, "I've done so much to try to keep you, Anthony. And you betray me by sneaking around with my enemy."

I looked back at Rachael and saw she was staying out on the balcony, looking out into the city. I guess she didn't want to be part of this, though we all knew she inevitably was going to be.

I turned back and saw Kalel was even closer to me, "Do you not love me anymore?" She inquired in a whisper.

"I...I...I love you, Kalel. But..." I sighed, not knowing how to word this, "When I saw you with Joey, I...I did some things I'm not proud of. Like acting like a total douchebag. And then when I retaliated with 'fake' dating Rach, I...I realized I really liked her. I mean, I had a little crush on her before, but...the feelings I had...for her...they just...got...stronger. And...I...I don't know anymore. You two mean a lot to me and..."

"I thought you picked me," Kalel told me, still hushed, "Me. Not her."

"I did, but..."

"But what, Anthony? I mean, I thought that us getting married would be all that I could imagine. I didn't think we would be fighting or arguing about...you liking her!" She shouted, pointing out into the balcony. Rachael turned around.

"You," Kalel approached Rachael, seething with anger, "This is all your fault. Why'd you have to like my husband, huh?" She kept inching and inching towards Rachael, till Rach was almost falling over the railing.

"I...I..." She stammered.

"If you didn't have to fucking like Anthony, none of this shit would happen! And me and Anthony would be happy together. But noooooo, you had to fall in love with him and make my life miserable!" She continued to yell at her.

Rachael just looked away from Kalel, refusing to make eye contact with her.

"Why aren't you talking, huh?" Kalel taunted, getting closer to Rach.

"Kalel, stop it!" I shouted, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her away from Rachael, "This isn't her fault! It's mine. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for me asking her to be my fake girlfriend. We both knew we had liked each other and...And we shouldn't have 'fake' dated."

Kalel ripped her arm out of my hold, "I can't believe you, Anthony," Then she looked inside to see Ian and Natalie, hand in hand, "And Ian! Melanie's going to freak when she hears that you're seeing Natalie. Oh, she's going to be pissed!"

"Please don't tell Melanie!" He begged, "I want her to hear it from me."

"Then call her," Kalel demanded, holding out her iPhone to him.

"Kalel, stop it!" I shouted again, snatching the phone away from her, "Stop trying to ruin everyone's lives!" She looked back at me and was silent. I sighed, "How about I stay with you, Kalel?" She lit up slight, "Would that settle things between us all?"

"Of course, that's all I wanted," She replied softly.

"Okay then. But if, and only if," I emphasized, "You won't tell Melanie about Natalie and Ian. And you let me hang out with Rachael, as a friend," I added, "...and her sister. And last but not least, you have to promise me that this kind of situation will never happen again."

Kalel smirked and pulled me into a hug, "Okay, Anthony. I promise."

I hugged her back and sighed in relief. This was all (hopefully) over with. I glanced over my shoulder at Rachael, who was still standing out on the balcony. She seemed a little upset and sad, but...I had to do this. She knew it and I knew it. It had to happen...


One Year Later

Being with Kalel...eh, it's not so bad. It's not really her and her suspicions anymore.  Once I told her I'd stay with her, it was like all of the jealousy and hatred had been lifted off of her chest. I mean, sure, she and Rachael still are enemies, but it's like it was before.

Everything actually went back to the way it was before...almost. I still like Rachael, and I'm sure she still likes me. But I have to hide my love away so something like what happened before doesn't happen again. That was truly disastrous. She and I hang out all the time, just like we used to. Though now we have those awkward moments where we'll meet each other's gazes and get lost in thought. But then one of us (usually Rachael) averts our gaze away and laughs it off.

Speaking of Rachael, did I tell you she found someone else? Well, she did. I guess he was one of her friends in high school. His name is Andrew. He seems like a really nice guy. He makes her smile and laugh and...I'm happy for Rachael, I really am, but I'm also kind of jealous. But, you know, things are the way they are. The two of them are getting married this winter.

In addition to things going back to the way they were, Nachael resumed making videos! Woo hoo!

Oh, and did I forget to mention that Natalie and Ian stayed together? Crazy, right? Ian doesn't talk to Melanie anymore. In fact, she moved out of California. I think she moved to Paris actually, I don't know. I personally think it was a little too drastic, but, hey, things just happen.

So...overall, I don't know if getting even was the best thing to do. For either of us. I mean, it tore people apart, brought people together... I don't know. All I know is that it brought me to where I am today, where I'll be unhappy some days and happy the others. I just think to myself, what if I chose Rachael? Or what if Ian chose Melanie? And what happened if Rachael and Natalie chose Joey and Toby? So many questions that probably won't be answered...

Continued inStill Into You (Smosh FanFic)...

Author's Note: Alright guys, this is probably the last chapter of Getting Even. I hope you enjoyed the book, I really appreciate all of the votes and comments and reads. And did you catch my Beatles reference? (sorry, I'm a weirdo =P) Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it! -rac06h10ael

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