Chapter 17: He really cares about me.

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Fionna's POV

"Wake up Fionna! Please wake up!"- I heard someone calling me, he seemed like he was panicking and he didn't stop calling me, like I was dead and he was trying to revive me. Dead, this word stayed in my head for a bit. Would be so bad if I was really dead? Cake would be devastating if I died and more people I think, like Gumball, Marshall Lee, the candy people.. Marshall Lee.. Was this his voice whose is calling me all this time? It doesn't sound like him. I can't figure it out who is calling me. He was gasping and his breath was one of the things I could hear the most, not counting with his desperate voice calling me. I heard footsteps, I think someone was walking in our direction.

"Fionna!  What have you done? If she doesn't wake up, I'll punch you right in your damn face!"- someone said to the person who was calling me. I could feel the anger in him, I know I couldn't see him but the way he spoke I could see that he was very angry and frustrated. I think I regognized his voice, it was Marshall Lee and he was now holding my hand tightly. But why can I wake up? What's wrong? I felt a tear falling on my hand, it came from Marshall. He was crying for me, I can't believe that..

"Marshall, she will wake up. It wasn't so bad and she is very strong! And I didn't do anything, I've already told you!"- he tried to soothe Marshall.

"But you were the one who was with her, so if she doesn't wake up.. I'll blame you!"

I finally could recognize which voice was that! It was Flame Prince, he was the one who was calling me.. But what were they talking about? I can't remember what happened to me..

"Stupid Ice Queen. Why did this all happen?"- he talked to himself.

"Don't ask me! You should be the one who had to protect her.. not me! But if I was with her, I'd give my life for her!"- Marshall yelled.

"Do you love her?"- Flame Prince asked him impressed.

"I didn't say that, ok? She's just my best friend, I guess. I can't stand watching her suffer, that's why I'm so upset about all of these!"- I could feel the sorrow on him. I couldn't stop thinking about what Marshall Lee told him, "I'd give my life for her!". He really cares about me.. If I was awake, I'd hug Marshall Lee so tighly!

"That's cute."- Flame Prince said firmly.

"Yeah right. Now tell me in detail what really happen! When you called me, you told me everything so quickly.. now that we are here waiting for Fionna to wake up, you can tell me."

"Ok. I went to Fionna's house to ask her if she could hang out with me, to know her better, you know?"

"Go on."- Marshall said with a tune that he didn't approve he went to my house to hang out with me.

"She accepted and we went for a walk. We were talking and having fun, when suddenly the Ice Queen appeared. She made an ice barrier around us and then she threw us with huge snowballs. Fionna took her sword and started protecting herself and I did the same with my fire powers. We were doing fine but we didn't expect one thing.. that her powers could do more stuff without just throwing snowballs. She created a huge snow man and he started destroying everything, including trees. While he was destroying everything around him, some trees  flew to our direction and one of them fell upon Fionna. She started yelling in pain and if I touch the tree, it could burn Fionna. So I attacked the snow man and then he melted. When I turned around to confront the Ice Queen, she was hitting Fionna. I immediately sent her fire and she gave up. Then she yelled: "This isn't over yet!" and floated away. I ran to Fionna and she was already uncounscious. Thereat I ran the fastest I could to your house to ask for help. And the rest you know.."

Now I remember, Ice Queen attacked us. I remember when the tree was upon me, I couldn't almost breathe with so much weight above me. Pain. It was the only thing I could feel and the feeling of not being able to breathe. Then Ice Queen approached me and started attacking me, and it was when I totally fainted.

Now I'm here, still uncounscious.

"We have to spend the night here. The Ice Queen always took revenge and outside there is a big snowstorm. It's very dangerous if we go out there, so we need to stay in this sort of cavern."- Marshall said determinated.

"Cake is going to be very worried about Fionna. I hope she's patient.."- Flame Prince said worried.

"She won't have any choice, she has to wait for her. She's smart so she won't probably go out there to look for her with this weather. At least you are made of fire, so you can heat Fionna."

"At least that."- he agreed.

Marshall Lee's POV

She's still uncouscious. It was almost midnight, Flame Prince was already sleeping near to Fionna. And I was watching her, it sounds creepy but it was truth. I can't stand watching her almost dying, it's so painful.

"Please Fionna, wake up! I need you here! I can't stand watching you like if you were dead. You're too special for me, and I just feel that I only exist to protect you! Please wake up, I can't let you die!"- I whispered  sadly. I closed my eyes tightly and a tear slid down my face..  She can't die! I put my hands on her chest to try to revive her. Nothing. She didn't wake up. I have to make her mouth to mouth resuscitation, it's the only way. I approached her and looked at her beautiful lips. All I wanted was kissing her, and now I have to do that.. well it isn't  a kiss but it's almost. 

I bending my ear down to her mouth, to hear if any air was coming out of Fionna's mouth. I took a deep breath and then I sealed my lips around her mouth and gave them several deep breaths. All of a sudden, I felt Fionna breathing. I looked at her and she opened her eyes immediately and coughed.

"Fionna! You're awake!!"- I yelled while I hugged her tighly. I was so happy that she finally woke up. Seeing her like that was killing me.

"Thank you so much for saving me, Marshall!"- she said happily. I kiss her on the forehead and she hugged me again. 

"Oh, we're in a cavern because outside there is a big snowstorm and it's very dangerous if we go out there. So we have to sleep here."

"I know. I was listening to you all of this time."- she said firmly.

"All the time?"- I blushed when I knew that she heard me saying that I'd give my life for her.

"Yup. Would you really give your life for me?"- she asked me curious.

"Y-Yes.. I would."- I stammered a bit.

She looked me in the eyes passionately.

"Fionna, if you heard me you probably know that you're very important for me. You're the only person I really care about and want to protect so badly. That's why I couldn't stand watching you dying.. it was too much, you know?"- I said honestly.

"M-Marshall.. I-I.."

"I know. It's a bit strange because I normally don't reveal my feelings to someone. But you're special Fionna."- I looked into her eyes and she did the same. We started getting closed to each other, the only thing who was illuminating this cavern was Flame Prince. We were almost kissing when Flame Prince woke up and yelled:

"Oh my god Fionna! Thank goodness you're awake!"- he said relieved.

"Yes, I am. Marshall saved me!"- she said while looking at me.

I gave them a smile and Flame Prince started talking with Fionna and apologizing her. And I was just there, looking at her and imagine that we were almost kissing if it wasn't Flame Prince.

Anyway, I'm happy that I could save her.

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