Chapter 9: I was evil without even trying.

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Marshall Lee's POV

Good, now I have to fight for the girl that I love with Gumball. Why did I get into this trouble? And all because I  fell in love with her.. I shouldn't and I need to forget this. I know, I said I'd fight for her..but now I'm so confused. I'm the Vampire King, I can't fall in love with a mortal.. It's just wrong.

I started walking the twists nervous, I couldn't stop shaking my hands. I need to have an ideia.. I thought a lot and then finally an ideia occurred to me. I'm going to the Nightosphere to talk with my mother, it might help.

A portal opened in my house and I entered. I looked around and saw a multitude of other demonic and "deathless" entities in a place engulfed in fire. I know this place so well, I was born here. I went to my mother's house and there she was.

"Marshall Lee! I haven't seen you for so long! How are you?"- she approached me.

"I came here because I have a problem. And I need your help"- I said honestly.

"What is it?"

"I fell in love with a mortal. And now I have to fight for her with a guy who loves her too. I'm confused. I know I love her and I don't care if I have to fight for her or not! But then I think who I really am, the Vampire King, and everything seems wrong. I don't know what to do.."- I looked down sadly.

" You what? Son, you're the Vampire King! You need to forget her and be bad! You're evil and not a simple innocent guy who does everything for her lover! You can't fall in love with a mortal, Marshall. It's wrong and you know it! Your dead heart is evil, you're evil, so you shouldn't reject what you really are!"- she looked me in the eyes serious and worried. She was right I'm evil, I was born evil.

"I know. I need to get away from her, right? I don't know what happened to me, to let my little humanity fall in love with Fionna. I felt weak but at the same time happy, more human who know? But I'm going to do that mother. I was evil without even trying.. and I'm going to be like I was before, how I should actually be."- I said determined.

"You're doing the right thing Marshall. I'm proud of you. Now go to your house and remember, be evil!"- she gave me an evil smile. I smiled back and walked away. Then I went home and laid on the my bed, thinking about all of these.

Fionna's POV

I was thinking about Marshall Lee and Gumball. They sang for me..and I don't know why Marshall did it too. But it was cute, he seemed jealous of Gumball. Hmm.. Jealous? Marshall Lee doesn't love me I guess.. He just like to flirt with me sometimes.. he will never fall in love with a human like me. 

Suddenly somebody knocked the door and Cake opened it.

"Hey Cake, is Fionna there?"- it was Gumball with his cheerful voice.

"Yes, I'm here!"- I smiled when he entered my house.

"Cool. I made those cookies for you Fionna. Ok, the candy people helped a bit."- he said giving me a plate with chocolate cookies, they looked delicious.

"Thanks Gumball, that is really kind of you."- I said as I grabbed a cookie and put it in my mouth. 

"You're welcome. Now let's play BMO! I'm going to win, you know?"- he joked.

"What hell you won't!"- I laughed.

We played for a while, and of course I won, and then he went home. I had a fun time with him, but I couldn't stop thinking of Marshall. Why my head is doing this to me? I just want to stop thinking about him..

Will Marshall be a bad little boy, like he wants?

We'll see : )

Please comment, I want to know your opinions,

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I'll try to update soon, but I don't know if I can because school starts on tuesday : (

Yeah I know, boring :/ 

Anyway, keep reading my story and love y'all! :D

Peace ; )

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