Chapter Thirty Three

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Emma's POV

I glanced at my reflection as I quickly pulled on my denim shorts and a baggy top. At least this way I'd be able to keep cool without wearing a bikini. I quickly stuffed a towel into my bag and made my way downstairs.

"You ready?" Caleb asked as soon as he saw me.

"Yep." I replied.

"Where's Ethan?" I added, suddenly realising that he was no longer there.

"Getting Georgia settled in the car." he told me.

"I'm loving those shorts." he chuckled.
"Thanks." I smiled, glancing down at myself.

He smiled back and quickly pecked my lips, before taking my hand as we walked to the car.


The beach was virtually deserted, it seemed like we were the only people there. As soon as we reached the beach I removed my pumps and smiled happily as my feet made contact with the warm sand. I slowly stretched out my long tanned legs and watched as Georgia played happily with the sand. I smiled at Caleb as he sat next to me, as Ethan sat quietly a little further away from us.

"Mummy, can we go in the water?" Georgia asked as she ran up to me.

"Of course we can." I smiled at her.

I stood up and quickly took her hand. She giggled and ran towards the ocean, trying to drag me along with her. She couldn't stop smiling and laughing as we paddled in the sea and splashed each other. I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time.

I jumped slightly as Ethan appeared beside me, I hadn't even heard him come over to us.

"Daddy!" Georgia squealed excitedly.

He laughed and picked her up, gently spinning her around. She couldn't hide the joy that was written over her face.

"Do you want to make a sandcastle?" he suggested, when he eventually set her down.

She nodded and ran back up the beach, towards the soft sand.

"I guess I should follow her then." Ethan stated chuckling slightly.

"Yeah you'll be in the dog house otherwise." I smiled slightly as I glanced up at Georgia and saw that she was pouting as she waited for Ethan to join her.

He nodded and remained silent as we walked back up the beach together. As soon as we reached Caleb and Georgia I smiled and quickly sat next to him. I watched Ethan and Georgia playing together happily, a short distance from where Caleb and I sat.

"It looked like you had fun." Caleb smiled as I sat next to him.

"Yeah she loves playing in the water." I agreed.

"You are both great parents to her, it's really nice to see." he told me.

I smiled and blushed slightly. He moved his head towards mine and I gasped slightly as his lips brushed against mine.

"Not here." I whispered as I quickly pulled away from him.

"Why not?" he frowned.

"I don't want them to see." I hissed, glancing up at Ethan and Georgia. My stomach dropped as Ethan and I locked eyes, I knew instantly that he'd seen us. Even though I wasn't doing anything wrong I still didn't want to hurt him. We were no longer together but I still cared about him and probably always would.

Caleb remained silent for a while, clearly pondering what I'd just said. As I sat watching the ocean, I felt a sudden wave of nausea wash over me. My throat was tickling as I let out the coughing fit that I was trying to surpress.

"Are you okay?" Caleb asked worridly.

I nodded slowly, trying not to vomit.

"You feel a little feverish." Caleb frowned as he pressed his hand against my forehead.

"Yeah, I just feel sick." I told him.

"Do you want to go home?" he offered.

"No I'm okay, hopefully it'll pass." I reassured him, trying to convince myself as much as him.

He stared at me for a moment, before eventually turning away, clearly deciding not to pester me. Ethan kept his back to us, but I knew that he was listening to every word. I knew him to well, his body language said it all.

A few more moments passed and I began to feel more and more nauseous.

"I think I'm going to throw up." I announced.

Caleb's head snapped up as I quickly stood up and ran towards the car park, looking for somewhere private.

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