Chapter Twenty One

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I sat silently on the window sill and gazed out at the landscape. Even though it had been a couple of days since Ethan left, I couldn't tear myself away from the window. If I sat here long enough, I would eventually see him striding down the driveway as he rushed to tell me how sorry he was. I just wished he'd hurry up and return to me. I took out my phone and called him for about the hundredth time. It rang for what felt like an age, eventually ringing out. I'd have given anything just to hear his voice. I sighed in frustration and threw my phone onto the floor.

"Be careful, you'll break it." Caleb stated as he entered the room and picked up my phone.

"I don't care." I stated. I glanced at him as he sat opposite me on the windowsill. He watched me as I quickly pulled my dress down to ensure that my underwear wasn't showing. As I glanced down at my long tanned legs I couldn't help but feel slightly self conscious that so much of my bare skin was showing. I would have dressed more appropriately, but I hadn't realised that he would be awake yet.

"So how are you doing?" he asked.

"I'll be fine when he gets back." I said quickly.

"He might not come back." he pointed out.

"Of course he will." I insisted.

"You need to prepare yourself in case he doesn't." he stated.

"What exactly do you want Caleb?!" I snapped.

"Nothing in particular." he shrugged.

I sighed and looked away from him. His gaze didn't falter, I could feel him watching me intensely as I continued staring out of the window. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as he reached towards me and gently trailed his finger down my leg. I gasped as his hand made contact with my bare flesh.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, glancing down at his lips as his face slowly inched closer to mine.

"I just can't resist you." he whispered.

I gasped as his lips gently brushing against mine.

"Don't." I muttered, slowly turning my head away. Even though part of me longed to kiss him back, I couldn't allow myself to fall for him again. Ethan would return and I would be waiting for him until that day.

"Why not?" he asked gently, resting his forehead against mine, trying to tease me.

"Because I'm married to your brother!" I snapped.

He sighed and sat back, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief. Why did he always have to make things difficult?

"Mummy!" I heard Georgia calling as she walked downstairs.

"In here sweetie." I answered.

She quickly walked into the room and looked between me and Caleb.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her as I picked her up and placed her on my lap.

She sighed and shook her head slowly.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Because I miss Daddy." she stated sadly.

"When is he coming back?" she added, as she gently played with my hair.

My heart broke for her. She was so close to him and the sadness in her voice was too much to bear.

"I don't know honey." I admitted.

"Did he leave because I was naughty?" she asked sadly.

"No of course not baby, Daddy loves you so much and he always will." I reassured her.

"Mummy and Daddy don't love each other any more do they?" she mumbled, her bottom lip wobbling.

I'd forgotten how grown up she was, she noticed more things than I realised. My baby girl was growing up fast.

"We will always love each other, but we're just having some time apart at the moment." I explained.

"I'll take you to the park later and we can play on the swings." Caleb offered.

"No!" she pouted.

"Why not, it'll be fun." he stated, trying to cheer her up.

"I don't want too, you're not my Daddy!" she exclaimed angrily.

"Georgia, it's okay." I said gently, attempting to calm her down.

She stared at me for a moment and burst into tears. I sighed and quickly stroked her hair. Ethan had no idea about the ripples of his actions.

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