Chapter Twenty

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Ethan's POV

I walked slowly down the pathway, my footsteps heavy. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her, I loved her so much, but I couldn't keep holding her back. She didn't deserve to spend the rest of her life taking care of me. Our child would never be born because of me and even though she hadn't said anything, I knew that she blamed me, I could see it in her eyes. It had seemed like the right decision at the time, but now that it had actually happened, I wanted my child back. Maybe Emma was right, I should have listened to her, but I'd been blinded by anger and guilt. In the space of a few moments I'd destroyed all her hopes and dreams, she'd always wanted a large family, but I couldn't give that to her anymore.

"What the hell are you playing at?!" Caleb yelled, interrupting my thoughts.

I turned to face him, my temper slowly rising.

"Your wife is in there, crying her eyes out, you're breaking her heart." he told me.

I nodded slowly, I already knew that she was sobbing, even though I was outside I could still hear her. Being able to hear her and knowing that it was my fault was tearing me apart, but I had to remain strong and do the right thing.

"I need to set her free from all of this." I told him.

"No, you should be in there making the most of every moment that you have before the disease starts and not wasting time feeling sorry for yourself!" he shouted.

"You have no right to judge me, you always run away from responsibility." I snapped.

"I couldn't hurt her like you're doing." he said shortly.

I scoffed and glared at him.

"Well go back in and comfort her then, it's the opportunity you've always wanted." I said sarcastically.

"Look this isn't helping, why don't you just take a few days to think about things and then maybe you can make things work?" he suggested.

"Why do you care so much?" I frowned. This behaviour was totally unlike Caleb, usually he would be trying to manipulate for his own gain, but he gained nothing out of wanting us back together.

"Because you make her happy." he said quietly.

"Not anymore." I said quietly, blinking back the tears that were threatening to spill.

"You're making out that you're doing this for her, but think it through Ethan, you know how much of a handful Georgia is and if you don't get back together Emma will be a single Mum." he pointed out.

I sighed, turned away from him and continued walking. No matter what I said he wasn't going to understand my reasons. He didn't care about anyone but himself. He had no idea what it was like to love someone so much that you'd do anything for them, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness. Even though he was trying to help, it had nothing to do with him anyway, it was between me and Emma. I glanced back at the house for a moment, before climbing into the taxi.

Emma's POV

I glanced up at Caleb hopefully as he came back in, but my stomach dropped again when I saw his sad expression.

"I can't believe he's done this." I whispered sadly, completely exhausted from sobbing so much.

Caleb knelt down beside me and pulled me into his arms.

"I know." he whispered. I clung to him tightly, afraid that if I let go, I would lose him too. Everyone that I'd ever loved seemed to get ripped away from me.

"Do you think he'll come back?" I asked worridly.

"Probably, when he realises how much he misses you." he replied gently.

"I can't lose him...Caleb...I just can't." I sobbed against his chest. He sighed and rocked me slightly, clearly trying to provide some sort of comfort, but no matter what he did it made no difference, I was inconsolable.

"I love him so much." I sobbed, over and over again.

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