I nodded, "Whoo, that was some speech. No wonder girls fall at your feet. Give speeches like this and you will get any girl."

"Yes. But I just want one girl. I have always wanted her since high school," He wiped the traitor tears gently, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"So you love me," I almost choked out, "Good."

"I just poured out my heart and you say good? Are you crazy?" He asked shaking his head.

I laughed and pinched his nose, "Yes, crazy in love with you jerk. Unfortunately."

"Unfortunately? More like fortunately. You are so lucky to have me," He winked.

"Bastard," I replied.

"Yes, but your bastard."

"Yes, my bastard," I grinned, sniffing and doubting highly that a piece of snot could've gone into my mouth.

"I'll tell you this again. I have never loved any girl besides you. Always. This feeling which I have for you is so strong and genuine that no Alice, Cecelia or anyone can take it away. Its just you and will always be you. You have, are and will always be my first pick, second pick, third pick and infinite picks."

"I am sorry too for hiding my identity. I was an insecure brat and wanted you only to myself. I made some bad decisions when I was a teenager. I spoke rudely to you at times thinking I was doing the right thing. I shouldn't have done that," I shook my head, sniffing, "I am sorry I based your character on certain teenage traits and refused to believe it even when you consistently proved that being a good human had nothing to do with average looks or being middle class. You and your family have always proved that."


"No, let me finish. I am sorry for not being true to myself that time. If I could go back, I wouldn't ever lie to you. I would work hard to make myself a better person. Then you would be mine-"

He pressed a finger against my lips.

"You moron, I was yours from the day we met. I will explain clearly this time. Even though I did ask Alice out intially, it was because she was pretty. I didn't know her as a person. I fell for you completely after I got to know you, Allison. Those three times I met Alice initially was like a fan trying to take a selfie with a celebrity. I thought she was a bit high handed but I nevertheless wanted to give it a try.
     I wouldn't pursue further if Alice had come to the café that day. However, I found the attitude had changed since you came to the café instead of your sister and that's when I was sure I wanted you to give us a chance because it was like I was meeting a new person after those three meet ups which was technically true. You had me since the day at the café. There was no going back after that. You have had me even during these five years. I have always missed you and thought about you. I didn't date anyone during this time-"

"Yeah, just fucked."

He rolled his eyes, "Well yeah. It was a biological need and not my most clever decision but I had to make myself forget. You did it too-"

"With just one guy. Not with ten-twenty people."

"No, definitely not more than seven, I can assure you. How is it any different from sleeping with a same person seven times?"

"Buffet vs ala carte, I guess."

"The point is Allison," He sighed impatiently, "I didn't ever stop thinking about you and that's the ultimate truth. I am way past that phase since last few months. I love you. I really, really do."

"I love you too, Jared. I love you so damn much," I couldn't stop as the tears rolled down and I laughed. It was embarrassing.

But it wasn't tears of joy. It was more of a relief. The elephant in the room was cleared. All those frustrations, those unexplained stares and talks, it was all out finally. We had come clear.

"If you had been at the supermarket that day, I would have asked you out. You, Allison Marshall, you are what matters to me. With or without the difference in name. With or without glasses. With or without attitude. You are my endgame," He finished, wiping my face and rubbing our noses together as he pecked my nose.

And again, I was literally bawling as buckets of tears flowed and every misconception I had became cleared. Jared had explained it all.

"Promise me one thing, Jared. We both are flawed, heavily flawed. We have loads to work upon. But if things ever get sour again, we will talk and communicate. We won't run away again. We won't assume anymore or hide things from each other ever. Promise me."

"I promise. No more assumptions or hiding. We will work together and give our best, okay?" He cradled my face as I cried like a baby.

I didn't even know whether these were tears of happiness or exhaustion or years worth of pent up affection and sadness that was making me bawl but at that moment, I didn't care. He could see me like this, raw and bare faced and I would still be happy.

He smiled warmly at my pitiful self and was about to kiss me again when I pulled back for a minute, "What if I had said I wanted to remain friends and nothing more after the stunt you pulled today?"

"I would've jumped off the terrace ledge," He said seriously but still not leaving me.

"Oh man, I should've tried that once then," I chuckled finally, sniffing my snotty nose.

"Nope. I couldn't take that. I have had enough of your friendship," He snorted, "Enough drama, enough obstacles have come. I have led you on. There have been enough games between us. Now, I just want some peace with you. That's it. For gods sake, no more just friendship. Its high time we are together now. We will be both lovers and best friends. I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend literally that includes loads of making out and sex while also buying puppies if you want. Now, kiss me."

He bend down and again closed the gap between us. Needless to say, I was more than willing to oblige.

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