■ Drunk dialling

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The phone rang. Oh boy, here it went. It was gonna be so much fun. He had no idea what was coming for him. Teaching me how to do my job. Hmpf! I would teach him how to behave with me now.

He picked up on the fourth ring, "Grey."

"Howdy, you cute asshole!" I giggled and covered my mouth from bursting out laughing. He sounded so serious, it was hilarious to hear.

"Excuse me? Allison? Is that you?" He sounded surprised.

"The one and only, Mr. Jerk. Its my number so it won't be my next door neighbor, would it?" I saluted, snorting loudly, "Are you free or busy poking your stick in-"

"Is that how you speak to your boss? How dare you speak like that," He demanded coldly but he was getting angry. I knew it. Tension was rising, temper was flaring and I was having a pretty awesome time.

"Yup. You are a meanie. A bad guy. I preferred the previous cute, sweet guy who used to make me smile and laugh so much," I pouted sadly, "He was loads better. Bring him back and I will cut the call."

"Are you....drunk?" He sounded shocked for few seconds, quite unsure.

"Whats it to you, shitface?" I slurred, "Didn't I say I would speak only to the previous you? Why don't you understand anything? Are you that dumb?"

"Okay, where are you?" He demanded and I heard a chair scraping and shuffling of feet.

"Oh...this is exactly like 50 shades of grey. Ha! That is one naughty book. Are you going to do the same thing to me, Jared?" I asked seductively, rolling a strand of my hair around my finger.

The bartender laughed out loudly now, flashing me a thumbs up. I winked and blew him a flying kiss.

"Stop your drama. Where are you, Allison? Tell me. Do you have anyone with you?" He almost threatened me now.

"Your title is Grey too, so maybe you-"

"Allison. Please. You are not making it any easier. Just tell me where are you," He almost pleaded.

"Omg! Jared Grey pleaded!" I shouted and then burst out laughing, "He pleaded, ladies and gentlemen. This is a picture worthy moment."

"Alli, listen-"

"But you are still a pile of donkey poop. You make me work so much! I wish you would listen to what I wanted to say. But you went away, I hate you for that. You gave no chance for explaining. You are a monkey faced pig's butt," I huffed.

"Fuck, Allison-" He was about to say something when I heard Wade's voice.

"Alli? You okay? Oh my god," Wade came rushing towards me, snatching the glass out of my hand. He looked at me and cursed some more. He looked at the bartender and I heard him cussing him.

"Shit. You are completely wasted. Didn't I tell you not to drink anymore?! Why don't you ever listen to me, you lunatic? Come on. Lets go home," He pulled me by my elbow and scolded me after few seconds.

"Allison? Allison?" I heard Jared shouting through the phone.

Wade took the phone, "Hey, dude. Whoever you are, I got her. Sorry. She was drunk dialling and-"

"Who the hell are you?" Jared screamed. Jeez! He was so loud. I could hear him without loudspeaker.

"Oh, Jared? Jared Grey? I am sorry. I am Allison's-"

"Hey nincompoop! Wade is my best friend and my roommate! You suck. He doesn't. He is way better than you and I love him," I shouted over and pulled Wade's cheek, "I love him, not you! I hate you!"

"Sheesh Alli. Calm down, will you?" Wade said and again pressed the phone against his ear.

"Sorry, dude. Its just that- Hello? Hello?" He called. And then put the phone away.

"He cut the call," He said and then pulled me again, "Come on, Alli. Lets go home."

He dragged me out with one of my arms around his shoulder. The cool air was a relief on my face and before I could comprehend anything I spilled out my stomach's contents on the pavement.

"Yucks. Gross," Wade scrunched his nose as he held my hair but kept his distance.

"I hate Jared Grey..

I hate him so much..

I wish he was a decent fellow..

But we can't hope as such..." I sang merrily, wiping my mouth.

"Come on, gal. Do your shitty singing later," Wade called a cab. He pushed me in before scrambling in, "God Alli, how old are you?"

"Twenty two," I said brightly, before yawning loudly.

"You are so dead tomorrow. Jared is killing you. I know it," He mumbled.

I patted his head, "Good doggy. Now, let me sleep."

And then I blackened out, visiting my dreamland.



I threw the phone away, my blood boiling. I was beyond angry. I was seeing red from all the anger coursing through me.

She was at a club... fully drunk and with a guy who was supposed to be her roommate? And she loved him?

Was she kidding me? How can she stay like that? With a guy? Seriously?

And she loved him? Loved? I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. Yes, I didn't know her well but I assumed she was single.

She didn't give off the vibes of having a boyfriend. Of course, it was stupid of me to expect her to stay single. She could date whoever she wanted. But, what if she had a friends with benefits relationship with him? Allison wasn't that type of girl. She was too stupid to do that.

But seriously, she loved him? Or maybe, just like a friend. Yeah, must be like a friend. I was getting hyper and I needed to cool down.

She said something about roommate and then best friend. Yes, he was just a friend. A best one.

Arghh, those were the worst.

He was there with her and I wasn't. My hands were itching to grab my jacket and make my way to her place. I knew she didn't live far away from my place from her employee details.

But this was too much!

She addressed him as a best friend... what if he was a boyfriend? What if he did something wrong? Who would be there to save her?

And she called me names? How old was she? Five? Drunk dialling, saying nasty things.

I admit I wasn't a very kind and understanding boss but I thought Allison was way mature than this shit. She acted so irresponsibly. I never expected her to act like this.

She was safe for now by her tone of affection towards that Wade guy. He was her roommate so she had experience with him. I cringed at the thought of them together.

I needed to divert my mind. I couldn't or rather shouldn't think about her too much. I needed a distraction. I was going soft on Allison again. I paced around the room trying to forget about what she said. Before that, I was killing her tomorrow for sure.

I picked the phone up and dialled my driver's number.

"Yes sir."

"I'm giving you an address. Go and check if anyone's there inside. If not, stay there until the residents come home. Otherwise, inform me if they haven't reached until two," I ordered.

"Yes sir."

I was shit, huh? I would show her real shit tomorrow.

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