Realistic Ending - Goggles

Start from the beginning

All too soon, I finished the drawings and shouted, "Done!"

"Then let's end this," Naruto declared. His became wrapped in a golden fiery glow and charged towards Nagato. The woman, Konan, was being pinned by Yagura and Killer Bee and I wasted no time in sealing her.

By the time I was done, Naruto managed to force Nagato into a headlock. "Hurry, Nao!"

"On it," I said.

When Nagato was sealed away, Yagura cleared his throat. "We'll need to contact HQ about the whereabouts of the Edo-Tensei user."

"You're right," Naruto said, "but how?"

"We can use Shiori," I offered.

"She wouldn't be fast enough," Yagura dismissed. "We'll use my summons."

"You have a summon?" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"I'm a Kage. Of course I do, idiot." Yagura shot Naruto an annoyed look, before he slammed his hand into the air. A puff of smoke erupted and a bird shot out from it. It darted around, a soft pale-yellow.

A hummingbird.

Recognizing the bird, I smiled and greeted him. "Hello, Nu-Nu."

Nu-Nu chirped, "Oh, hi, hi, Na-Na! What's up, what's up? Oh? Is it time for me to go? Do I need to fly somewhere? Oh, are we on an adventure? What's going on, Ya-Ya?"

"Go to HQ – the boss should have passed on the coordinates to you when I summoned him last –and tell them that the Edo Tensei user is..." Yagura rambled off the rough estimation of the coordinates. "Make it fast."

"Righty-o-o-o!" Nu-Nu darted, then zoomed off and away.

"Ya-Ya?" Naruto repeated blankly.

"I dare you to call me by that," Yagura threatened.

Naruto winced, unconsciously rubbing the back of his head—probably remembering the last time Yagura hit him over the head with his staff. "Yeah, no, thanks. Let's just get going."


I sensed him before I saw him. I recognized that chakra anywhere, and the moment I sensed him, I felt my heart stop and a rush of emotions slammed into me: fear (for him, or them, I wasn't sure); betrayal; pain; grief.

I faltered in my leap, and as consequences the others raced passed me. Suddenly he was there, leaping into view and crashing his forehead against Naruto's. I stumbled and reached out my hand to grasp unsteadily at the tree. I stared at Obito, at loss of what to say or do. I had thought of so many plans and scenarios to when we would meet again (because we would, inevitably), but actually seeing him... all of it just went out into the wind.

Obito no longer wore his Akatsuki attire with the orange mask. Instead, he wore a white mask with a purple tint, that covered the entire upper-half of his head, consisting of a ripple-pattern with three-tomoe around the center; two of the tomoe acting as the mask's eye-holes. He wore a pair of black pants and gloves, as well as a purple high-collared, long sleeve mantle that split down the lower half and had the Uchiha crest on the back. It reminded me of the clothing shown in the pictures during the Warring States Period in the history textbooks back at the academy.

"I don't know who you are," Naruto declared, glaring at Obito, "and I don't care. We're going to take both of you Madaras down! You hear me?!"

"You don't know," Obito repeated slowly. "I see."

Obito dragged his eyes over me, and I flinched. Even through the dark holes of the mask, I could see his gaze. It ensnared me, bringing up all sorts of fresh pain with it.

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