Arc X - Partners

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Disclaimer: I have a hat. And a laptop. And a cat. But I don't have Naruto.

Warning: Fighting scene.

Beta: Kalafina94

Beta: silverseed


Interlude – Omniscient – 3

"I see," Tobi whispered quietly. "How interesting. I suppose it was only a matter of time before they discovered the truth. In all honesty, I'm a bit surprised it has taken them so long, but. no matter. I have no use for controlling Yagura anymore. I suppose. Yes, I do believe it's time to cut my ties loose."

Tobi paced back and forth, his tone a gentle musing. "I will need to make sure he remembers nothing of his time under the genjutsu, simple enough. But I must also ensure his death. After all, if he's dead, then collecting the Sanbi will be that much easier. But I suppose it doesn't really matter in the long run. No matter, no matter. I shall. yes, yes, that will do. That will do fine. When they begin their trap, I shall release my entire hold of the genjutsu, and with it, I shall lock away his memories. He will be disoriented and surely fall easily into their trap. Yes. Yes, that will do nicely."

"Whatever you say, Tobi," Zetsu said, his yellow eyes staring at Tobi unblinkingly.

. . .

. .



I poured another cup of hot tea for myself and Yagura. The two of us were seated along the porch of the Uchiha main house. Sasuke and Naruto were in the middle of yet another sparring match and Kakashi was off somewhere. more than likely standing in front of the stone again. After pouring the tea, I set it down and sat down across from Yagura, taking a small rice ball and biting into it.

"Are they always so.?" Yagura seemed to struggle for the right word.

"Yes," I answered immediately. "They are rather reckless and undisciplined when it comes to each other. They adore fighting each other, though I don't think I'll ever understand why."

Yagura contemplated a moment before he replied, "In a way, I can understand the appeal of fighting, but even I wouldn't want to fight as constantly as those two."

I nodded in acceptance of this, mulling over my next choice of words. "What do you suppose our first mission will be like?"

"More than likely we won't be called for anything until the Akatsuki make their move," Yagura said blandly.

"I suppose so," I allowed, "but none of us have really worked together. Well, I mean, you haven't worked together with the others before and they haven't worked with you. Shouldn't there be. I don't know. more basic missions to give us an opportunity to grow in teamwork?"

"She mentioned that there would be more members," Yagura pointed out. "Perhaps they don't want us to set ourselves in a specific team dynamic until the full team is assembled."

"That's possible," I agreed, "but it's a little insulting that she doesn't think we're flexible enough to ad our teamwork to allow another person in."

"Or perhaps she's complimenting us by not giving us extra missions to practice our teamwork because she believes we can handle it fine," Yagura mused.

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