Arc IX - Returning

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Two figures moved at a casual pace down the long dirt road. The smallest of the figures walked with a small skip in her step, while the other figure kept a more relaxed posture. The two were talking, but whatever words they were saying were lost to the wind. The smallest of the figures pulled a dark blue cloak tighter around her as a particularly strong wind blew. Her hood —which she had previously been wearing up— had come down and the opening of her cloak opened up.

Her hair was a pale blonde, curling a bit at the ends, where it fell a little past the top of her shoulders. Her pupil-less blue eyes were lit up with amusement and she smiled adoringly at the figure beside her. She had goggles strapped to the top of her head and wore a white sleeveless vest-shirt along with light blue leggings that ended halfway above her knees, a white skirt covering them. She wore the standard shinobi gloves and shoes and her Konoha Hitai-ate was wrapped around her upper left arm.

She paused in her walking, the second figure pausing as well. Though the wind carried away the majority of the conversation, some words were able to be picked out.

"Sensei?" She asked, tilting her head.

The figure —Sensei— paused, turning to face her.


"You have—leaf—hair." She motioned towards the figure's rather light-colored hair.

He paused, tilting his head and lifting a black gloved hand, plucking a leaf from his hair and eying it. He laughed quietly.

The figure released his hold on the leaf, using his hand instead to affectionately pat the top of the girl's head. Immediately, her face took on a reddish hue —causing the male to laugh once again— and she looked down at the ground, smiling shyly.

The two conversed again for a brief moment before restarting their trek.

It didn't take long before the two found themselves standing at the Village of the Leaf front gates. Immediately, the Chūnin noticed their presence.

The first one beamed brightly. "Welcome back, Nao-kun and—"


Question: If you could have your own personal butler (think like Sebastian from Black Butler, or Alfred from Batman) out of any of the Naruto cast, who would it be?

Reviews are love!

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