Arc VII - Drowning

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This sheer amazing artwork was drawn by Mai-Shibata-Uchiha on deviantART. 


Warning: Panic.

Beta: Kalafina94

Beta: silverseed


"In the Moon Country, there is an island called Mikazuki Island that has an everlasting summer. The country seems very prosperous and wealthy. The island has plenty of natural resources and the beautiful beaches are popular tourist attractions. There are also plenty of gambling establishments, and the area is lively year-round. I'd like to go there sometime."

"Baa-chan, you're such a gambling addict."

"Hmph! The mission is to escort the prince home after he's been traveling around to various smaller countries. Seems that the previous escorts were treated pretty harshly, and bailed on the job."

"Sounds like a hassle."

"Well, do your best. This is an important mission, as I'd usually assign all Jounin-class shinobi to it. Proceed with caution!"


As I finished recalling the mission details, I curled up on my sleeping bag next to Kakashi. The caravan had finished eating for the night and everyone was already packed and off to sleep —with the exception of us, of course. No, I had first watch and I was waiting for the others to head back in so they could sleep.

When Naruto and Sasuke arrived, I bode them goodnight and headed off. I passed Kakashi on my way out, bading him goodnight as well. Finally, I found my perch, a little higher up on a gathering of rocks.

I sat down and watched.


A week of traveling and only a handful of bandits dared attack us, but they were weak and slightly pathetic so we defeated them with ease. After a week, we were well out of the desert and currently traveling alongside a grassy plain.

In front of me, Kakashi talked with the prince. Naruto walked on the opposite side of me on the caravan, a little further back and Sasuke brought up the rear. Hikaru, seemed adamant about playing a sort of pink gaming device and then occasionally looking up at me and blushing brightly.

Naruto landed beside me, surprising me.

"Nao," Naruto hummed. "Switch positions with me. I'm tired of watching a horse's ass."

I spluttered with laughter at the abruptness, but gave a grin. "Alright, Naruto-kun. Bye, Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi cocked his head back. "Bye, Nao."

I kicked off from my position and jumped up and over the carriages.


A few more hours of walking and we reached a village, and thus reached a circus.

We pulled up around the circus, each of us moving in position to secure the area. Seeing how Hikaru apparently pissed Naruto off about something, he didn't want to guard him anymore. I opted to sit near the princes to guard them and Kakashi allowed the trade.

So while Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi sat a little ways from us, I sat at a bench below Hikaru and Michiru, watching the circus perform.

I must admit that it was incredibly entertaining and I found myself enjoying the show. It was the last event, though, that captured my interest as it took a surprising turn.

Decaying BluebellsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora