Arc IX - Sensei

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Intermission – Omniscient – 1

It hadn't been even a full day ago that Aō had received the Byakugan. Fresh out of surgery, Aō was accompanied by Mei as the two moved quietly through the silent streets of Kirigakure.

It had been Zabuza who had set the turn of events. Ever since Zabuza's defection and attempted assassination, the shinobi and kunoichi of Kirigakure had been growing more and more restless. Whispers of their Mizukage being influenced by an outside source had presented the most terrifying thought. And as time passed on, the once quickly dismissed whispers were rapidly becoming considered by all shinobi in Kirigakure.

Mei, the current leader of the resistance, was torn on what to do. On one hand, she adored her village —even if it hadn't been the greatest morality wise— and it had been drilled into her to be unfailingly loyal to their Mizukage. It was true that Yagura —their current Mizukage— wasn't much younger than herself, and that he was brutally efficient in his rule, but still.

The very thought of someone manipulating their Kage was a painful one to hear. No shinobi or kunoichi wanted to find such a fatal flaw in their Kage, and no shinobi or kunoichi wanted to hear how they were being manipulated by an outside force.

It had been a secret, getting Aō to receive the Byakugan. No one else except those closest in the resistance knew about the surgery.

It was all a precaution. A test. Aō would casually glance at Yagura and either confirm or deny the rumors. Either way, a plan would be made. They had to act quickly to ensure Kirigakure did not fall to ruin and the other villages took control.

Mei knocked politely at Yagura's office door.

There was a significant pause before Yagura's voice beckoned for them to enter.

The two entered the office, pausing slightly before kneeling before their Kage.

Yagura's expression did not change, nor did his tone. He was perfectly blank, as he had been ever since he took up the mantle of Mizukage.

"Mizukage-sama," Mei whispered, "we have completed our mission and eagerly await our next one."

"For now, there will be no next one," Yagura said swiftly. "I will call you when I have need of your services again. You are dismissed."

The two waited a moment before straightening up and exiting the room. As the two left the building, Mei glanced to Aō and winced.

His expression was darkened and twisted with a sort of bitter sadness. He glanced at her, faltering in his footsteps.

In a pained voice, he said, "The whispers are true."

Mei felt her heart constrict.

. . .

. .



"It's good to be back home," I said, smiling brightly at my sensei. He turned to glance at me, smirking in response.

"I suppose you would find that to be true, though we haven't been gone all that long," He said, his tone formal.

"Perhaps," I allowed. "We should probably head to Hokage-sama's office and inform her of our return. Then, if you don't mind, I would like to stop by and see if sis is home."

He peered at me. "That sounds acceptable. However, afterwards, I would like to continue your training."

Inwardly, I winced. As much as I adored my sensei, he was meticulously brutal. Then again, I wouldn't expect any less from him, as that was how he was raised. What constituted as brutal to myself —and probably my friends and family— was what was expected of him at my age. I think what really hurt the most about training was his openly taunting and snide attitude during it.

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