"Hai," I muttered dejectedly.

He smirked tauntingly at me.


"Ah, you're home," Tsunade said as the two of us stood in her office.

"It's wonderful to be home," I said, smiling warmly at Tsunade.

"Tsunade-hime," my sensei greeted, dipping his head in her direction.

"Yagura-san," Tsunade returned, giving him an amused smile. "How's your.?"

"Still muddled," Yagura admitted, his voice clipped as he showed clear distaste, but he kept his posture and tone completely formal, as always.

Tsunade nodded, frowning thoughtfully. "We'll have to set up another appointment, then."

"Indeed. Nao-chan?"

"Oh!" I squeaked, recalling what my sensei and I had discussed prior to entering Konoha. "Tsunade-sama, I request the right to take the Jōnin test in hopes of advancing to the Jōnin position myself."

"Granted. You can take the test within a week," Tsunade said.

"Acceptable," Yagura murmured. "If that is all, Tsunade-hime, I request permission for dismissal. My student and I require time to train for the upcoming test and she is most anxious to be reunited with her... family."

"Granted," Tsunade dismissed. ". Welcome home."

I smiled brightly at her before Yagura grabbed me by the collar of my outfit and proceeded to drag me out of the room.


"Sister!" I shouted excitedly, rushing towards Ino and hugging her tightly. In many ways, I was more intellectually advanced than my sister, but she would always remain my beloved big sister and I would always adore her as such. Ino squealed and squeezed me tightly, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around in our home.

Papa was watching the scene with an amused expression. When Ino was finished hugging the life out of me, he opened his arms. I gladly entered them, hugging him tightly around the waist. He kissed the top of my head. "Welcome home, Nao-chan."

I only nodded, hugging him more tightly.

Yagura cleared his throat and I pulled back, blushing and smiling sheepishly.

"Hello again, Yagura-san," Papa said, his expression blank and voice clipped.

"Inoichi-san." Yagura returned, "As I have promised, I have returned your youngest daughter in good health."

"It would appear that way," Papa replied, staring evenly at him before glancing down at me and smiling gently. "Will you be staying with us, Nao-chan, or.?"

I glanced over at Yagura, weighing my options. "I think it would be more prudent if I stayed in the Uchiha District, at least for the moment."

Ino glanced between Yagura and myself before she smirked. "Right. Of course."


"The Uchiha District has their own training grounds and I am certain Sasuke-kun wouldn't mind if we used them," I said, walking beside Yagura as the two of us made our way to said district. "Not to mention the district is still relatively empty. but. will you be alright, Yagura-sensei?"

Yagura shot me an annoyed look, snapping, "Are you implying that I'm not mature enough to handle this?"

I pursed my lips. "That's not what I'm implying at all, Sensei, and you know it. If the subject is too sore, then I am certain Papa would make room for us at the clan compound, or Naruto wouldn't mind if we stayed in his apartment if you are really disinclined to stay at the compound."

Yagura sighed, rubbing his temple. "I will be fine, Nao."

"If you're certain, Yagura-sensei," I said softly, peering up at him from under my bangs.

Yagura pointedly ignored my worried look, choosing instead to quicken the pace.

Stubborn man, I thought fondly



. .

. . .

Intermission – Nao – 1

I hesitated a brief moment before making up my mind and finished releasing the chakra cuffs from the boy's wrists. He was staring up at the sky, his eyes glazed over and he didn't seem to notice me at all. He looked scarcely a few years older than myself, and for one reason or another, I felt my heart quicken when I stared at him.

It was true that he was attractive, incredibly so, but I knew that wasn't why my heart and stomach were fluttering. I knew him. The memories. It was why I had rescued him. I knew him and I feared for his life back there. It was why I had been compelled to—

Tentatively, shyly, I placed my hand on his cheek, tapping lightly. He snapped out of whatever daze he was in, blinking owlishly up at me.

"Hello," I said softly, my eyes wide with concern as I took in his unreadable expression.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice soft.

"I'm. You can call me Nao," I supplied. "Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He tilted his head as he slowly sat up. His eyes then widened as he took in the massive amounts of bodies surrounding us. "What happened here?"

"You don't. you don't remember?" I asked, feeling confused at that.

"I don't." He paused, his brow furrowed and his lips turning down. "I don't... Who am I? Do you... Do you know who I am?"


"I don't know," I answered hesitantly. "I. I think I know your name."

He turned to me, looking at me expectantly.

I closed my eyes, screwing up my face in concentration. Vaguely I could make out the shape of a—

"Kame," I said.

"A turtle?" Kame asked, tilting his head again. "I don't know if I like that name."

"I'm sorry," I responded, ducking my head in embarrassment.

"It's alright. You're not the one who named me," Kame assured me. "I... Well, I don't suppose you know where my home is.?"

I shook my head.

He frowned, looking away. "I see."

"You can travel with me," I offered shyly.

"Oh? Really? Thank you, that's very kind, Nao-san."

I blushed, looking away and smiling. "It's nice to have company. Come on, my camp isn't too far from here, Kame-san."



I also have more fanart! Huzzah! Link on profile or you can check out my (Charredblossom16) favorites or ainoyl's gallery on Deviantart.

Question: If YOU had to be the butler / maid / servant to any of the Naruto cast, who would you rather be a servant to? And who would you definitely NOT want to be a servant to?

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