Chapter 28: The Truth

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Alicia arrived upstairs, a tear rolling down her cheek. Her mother was standing in front of her, her arms crossed on her chest and an unreadable expression on her face.
"What ?" Alicia asked.
"Nothing" Madison answered, staring at her daughter. "Do you think this was necessary?"
"I only pushed him in his face, and it was deserved. You saw what he did." Alicia exclaimed. "He's a monster."
"That's one more reason to not stood at his level"
Alicia sighed.
"Look mom. He tried to kill Elyza. And he tried to kill me. Trust me, this was well deserved."
"He tried to kill you?" Madison exclaimed.
Alicia nodded.
"Yeah when I discovered everything in his barn. He aimed a gun to my head and was about to shoot me when Elyza arrived and saved me."
"Oh god" Madison sighed closing her eyes.
"I'm okay, mom" Alicia said with a little smile. "Come on"
They both walked to the other room, joining the dinning table where everyone was in silence.
"He's a real dick" Kyle said to break the uncomfortable silence.
"You heard us ?" Alicia asked in surprise.
"It was hard to not hear"
"Have you found something?" Madison asked.
"Apparently he was doing some experiences on her with the virus." Travis said.
"What ?" Alicia exclaimed.
"Yeah he was trying to find an antidote"
"An antidote?" Alicia asked raising an eyebrow. "It doesn't make any sense, I thought he was making a biological weapon"
"Actually it does make sense" Meghan said. "When you do this kind of weapon, it's smarter to have an antidote in case you got infected."
"He's really planning everything" Madison sighed. "Did it work?"
"I've no idea" Meghan said. "There's nothing in his computer about it"
"So we don't know how this will affect her ?"
Meghan shook her head no.
"We need a doctor"
"Maybe we can try to find Abby" Jacob suggested.
"We don't know where she is or if she's still alive" Travis said.
"Well maybe I can find were she was last seen by Jason" Jacob said, and started to search in the computer.
But a little noise caught Alicia's attention, and she turned around to look at the staircase that leaded to the floor. Here, on the top of the staircase, Elyza was sat on the last step, staring blankly in front of her.
"Since when is she here?" Alicia asked.
"Who ?"
"Elyza!" Alicia exclaimed, and walked toward the staircase.
"Elyza?" She called gently, slowly climbing up the stairs.
Elyza slowly raised her eyes full of tears to look at the younger girl.
"Is that true?" She asked in a voice barely audible. "Is that true I grew up as an orphan because my uncle wanted to control my mother's life?"
"Yes" Alicia answered in a gentle voice.
Elyza shook her head, starting to cry.
"Come here" Alicia said wrapping a arm around her lover's shoulder, pulling her in for a hug.
She wrapped her other arm around Elyza's head, and hid her face in her blonde hair. It was so good to hug her again, to feel her again. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks, but they were also tears of pain. Pain of seeing her girlfriend so destroyed right now. She felt Elyza's arms being wrapped around her, and they hugged tightly for a long time.
"I have to see him" Elyza said when they finally pulled away.
"Elyza, you don't have to do this."
"I do. I have to face him. And he have to face me now I know the truth."
Alicia sighed and looked aside, to see that everyone was watching them. Travis and Madison were standing next to each other, and they shared a look before returning their look to Alicia and Elyza. Travis nodded at Alicia.
"Come on" Alicia said to her girlfriend in a low voice, and helped her to stand up.
They walked downstairs then to the basement entrance, and they stopped up the stairs.
"I'll be here if you need me" Alicia said.
Elyza nodded and walked downstairs. Once she was in the basement, she slowly walked towards Jason, her head held high, and stopped a few meters away from him, while Daniel was watching, leaning against a wall.
"I should be calling you uncle Jason, but even this idea makes me want to puke"
Jason giggled joylessly, his smirk on his lips.
"I'd like to hear that. But not from you"
"What the fuck did I ever do to you?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow. "You were born. And you almost ruined all my sister's chances to become someone"
"That wasn't your decision. It was hers !" Elyza said in a loud voice, and the tears started to roll down her cheeks. "Because of you, I grew up without a mother. And my childhood sucked !"
"Poor little thing." Jason said sarcastically. "What you became was only up to you."
"Things would have been different if she had raised me. I would have been different."
"And her ?" Jason asked with anger. "Do you think about her ? She surly wouldn't have become the person she is now"
"Yeah and where is she now?" Elyza asked almost yelling. "Is she happy? Does she have a husband ? Children?"
"No children, and only a few boyfriends. And it's better this way, those men didn't worth it."
"You suck, Jason." Elyza said with disgust. "She's grown enough to take care of herself"
"No" Jason said clenching his jaw. "She needs me, she needs her brother. Even if she doesn't know it, I'll always be here to take care of her"
"Really? Then where is she!" Elyza asked.
Jason waited a few seconds before answering the question.
"I don't know" he finally said. "But I'll find her"
"Not tied up on this chair"
With that, she turned around and quickly walked upstairs, trying her best to not break down.
"Elyza?" Alicia asked when she saw her.
But Elyza ignored her, and quickly made her way to the staircase.
"Hey hey" Madison gently called grabbing the girl by her arm.
Elyza quickly turned around and faced the woman, while tears were starting to roll down her cheeks.
"Hey" Madison said again, and wrapped her arms around her to pull her in for a hug.
At this moment, Elyza bursted into tears, her arms wrapped around the woman.
"Shh it's gonna be ok" Madison tried to comfort her as if she was her own daughter.
Elyza continued to cry for some minutes, everyone around watching her, and she finally pulled away, drying her tears. Alicia, who was next to her, quickly wrapped her arms around her lover, and they hugged as tight as they could.
"Hey princess" Elyza whispered so only Alicia could hear her.
Alicia smiled with a chuckle. It was so good to hear this nickname again, said by the girl she loved. She pulled away so they could look at each other in the eyes.
"Hey babe" Alicia said, and a tear rolled down on her cheek.
Without thinking, she crashed her lips on Elyza's, kissing her quickly but passionately, and only broke the kiss to hide her face in her lover's neck.
"I thought you were dead" she said, crying.
"I'm fine" Elyza reassured her, hiding her face in her girlfriend's hair. "I'm alive"
They stayed like this for some minutes, enjoying each other's embrace.
"Hey" Meghan said with a little smile while Alicia was pulling away, and hugged her. "We found her last address, it was in his computer" she said with a little smile.
Elyza nodded.
"Can I see them?" She asked. "The pictures"
"Of course" Meghan said. "Come here"
She leaded her beside Jacob, Alicia following closely.
Jacob opened the folders, and started to show her the most recent pictures.
"She's beautiful" Elyza said.
"Just like you" Alicia said with a smile.
"Yeah you look like her, look" Jacob said, and opened the article to show her the picture. "It's her when she was fourteen"
"Yes you're right" Elyza said with a little smile. "Do you think there's a chance she's still alive?"
"Maybe" Travis said putting a hand on Elyza's shoulder. "Let's keep hope"

Author's note
Hi :) please comment to let me know what you think :)

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