Chapter 25: Big Water

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The travel to the new refuge was silent. Adam was following Travis and Madison's cars, Olivia following them driving the other car. Alicia was in her mother's car, sat beside her brother, and she was staring outside through the window in silence.
"What happened?" Nick asked gently.
"I already said what happened" Alicia said without looking at her brother.
"Yes but ..."
"Nick please" Madison interrupted her son.
"What ?" He exclaimed. "Elyza was my friend!"
Alicia sniffed, and that's how Nick noticed she was crying.
"Sorry" he said, and wrapped a arm around her neck to pull her in for hug.
They finally reached a little town in the middle of the desert called Big Water, and they stopped in front of a big house.
"Wow !" Kyle exclaimed as they were all exiting their cars. "That's literally the middle of nowhere"
"Yes" Travis admitted. "But at least it's safe. No people, no infected, and we can see if someone's approaching"
The house's door opened up revealing Chris who looked at the newcomers a bit surprised.
"Really?" He exclaimed. "You brought people here ?" But his jaw dropped when he saw his stepsister. "Alicia!" He exclaimed, and ran toward her to hug her. "You're okay!"
"Yeah" Alicia nodded hugging him, a little smile on her lips.
Alerted by the name, Claire ran out of the house, followed by Ofelia who was still using her crutches. When she saw her sister, Elena ran toward her and jumped in her arms happily, while Ofelia was hugging Alicia.
"Where is ..." Chris started to ask, looking around him.
But Nick quickly shook his head no, making the younger boy stay quiet. Ofelia looked at Nick worriedly, and Alicia's sad expression confirmed her and Chris' fear.
"I'm sorry" she said to Alicia in a low voice.

The time went by slowly. To be honest, there weren't much to do in the desert. Nick, Chris, Claire and Ofelia became friends with the others, and they liked to play games like football game or other. Nick's addiction was almost gone, he was still taking medicine but was much better right now. Chris and Claire were dating, and it didn't surprise Alicia as she perfectly remembered how they looked at each other. Ofelia's leg was getting better, but she still couldn't walk and needed the crutches. But Alicia was still bad. She barely talked, only to answered questions, and preferred to be alone in her room. Even when her mother, her brother or her friends were trying to talk to her, she just pushed them away. And by nightfall, she just climbed on the roof and looked at the starts, and talked as if she was talking to Elyza, telling her how much she missed her. And it was with her cheeks wet because of the tears she fell asleep on the roof, and Nick, Travis or even Adam get used to carry her to her bed. She always had this constant pain in her heart, her throat was always burning in the promise of tears, and it was just like if she couldn't be happy anymore. Just like if she couldn't live anymore, but just survive.
"I'm worrying about her" Madison sighed one night, looking at the roof where her daughter was staring at the sky.
She was sitting next to a fire camp next to Meghan, and Victor, Nick, Chris, Claire, Olivia and some other people were here too, enjoying the moment. Meghan raised her eyes from the fire,
And looked at Madison, then looked at Alicia.
"After Matt's death" Madison continued. "She was really bad. She cried a lot, and hasn't ate or talked for days. And now it's just worst"
"Who's Matt?" Meghan asked.
Madison turned her head to look at the woman next to her.
"He was her boyfriend. He died at the beginning, he was one of the first to be infected"
Meghan slowly nodded.
"Elyza was like my best friend. I only knew her for six months, but she was the first person I really felt close too. I mean, I have Kyle and we're everything to each other. But Elyza was my first real friend. We were all so scared the day she disappeared"
"Must have been hard" Madison said.
"Yeah" Meghan answered, and they stayed in silence for the rest of the nigh.

"We have to make him pay" Alicia exclaimed entering the living room, one month and half after their arrival at Big Water.
Everyone looked at each other, confused.
"What are you talking about?" Madison asked.
"Jason!" Alicia said. "He can't just kill my girlfriend and continues his life just like if nothing happened"
"So what do you suggest?" Adam asked. "Going back to Sacramento and make him pay ?"
"Yes. Exactly."
"Alicia" Victor said calmly. "You know it's a dangerous travel for just revenge."
Alicia sighed, trying to find a good argument.
"It's not only about revenge. Remember he's making a biological weapon with the virus."
"That doesn't concern us" Travis said.
"Really Travis? Even you can't be that naive. He's making that weapon. That means he's going to use it. Who knows we won't be touched by it ?"
"She got a point" Meghan said.
"So what do you suggest. That we go there and stop him?" Travis asked.
"Do you have something better to do?" Alicia asked. "Let's be honest. Life in the desert is boring as hell"
"Says the girl who's spending her life locked up in her room" Nick said sarcastically. "But she's right. Elyza was my friend. And this asshole has to pay."
Travis stayed reluctant.
"I agree with them" Madison said. "Elyza was a part of our group since the moment she saved our kids"
"You're right" Travis admitted.
"So what ?" Chris asked. "We're going to Sacramento?"
"No. Not you. Some will stay here, including you. It can be dangerous. And if we catch this guy, no one will hurt him. Understood? We're not savages."
"We'll see about that" Alicia mumbled, but no one could hear her.

Author's note
Hi :) please comment to let me know what you think :)

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