Chapter 26: The Capture

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The travel to Sacramento was long. After sixteen hours, the cars finally stopped at the north of the city, and Adam exited his vehicle. He was sharing it with Olivia and Josh, while Meghan was driving with Kyle, Jacob and Ricky in her car. Victor was driving the third car with Nick and Alicia in it, and Travis and Daniel were in Travis' pickup truck.
"We're not far" Adam said while everyone was exiting the vehicles. "We can see the barn"
"Fine. Time to get ready" Daniel said, and took the semi automatic guns that were in the back of the pickup truck, and gave one to everyone.
"You remember the plan ?" Josh asked.
Everyone nodded.
"Fine. Let's go" Adam said, and they approached the farm carefully. Josh, Adam, Daniel and Travis were the first to go, followed closely by Nick and Victor, then by the others. They approached silently, and Josh suddenly stopped in front of the gate.
"Something's wrong" he said in a loud whisper.
He was right. The gate was opened, and there were nobody. The cabins were still here, but the tents and the cars were missing.
"They left ?" Olivia asked.
"Let's say that killing a girl who meant no harm is not the best thing to do if you want people to trust you" Ricky said sarcastically.
"Shh !" Daniel shushed them. "We follow the plan"
Everyone nodded, and Travis, Daniel, Victor, Olivia, Jacob and Kyle carefully walked toward the house, while the others walked to the barn. Adam carefully opened the door, and they slid inside. The barn was now almost empty. The vans weren't here anymore, and so did the machines. There were still the tables with a few boxes on them, and the cages covered by plastic sheetings.
"Son of a bitch!" Alicia exclaimed, and ran in the middle of the barn. "He left ! And he took everything! Fuck !" She yelled kicking in a table leg.
"Relax Alicia" Meghan calmed her down. "Look at these boxes. He will come back to take them"
Alicia opened a box and looked inside.
"Or maybe it's just some useless things he doesn't need anymore" she said angrily showing a tube, and threw it back in the box.
"I don't think so" Meghan said, showing the laptop she has taken from one of the boxes.
She put it on the table and opened it.
"There's a password" she said, disappointed.
"Jacob can do something about that" Ricky said, while Adam, Nick and Josh were approaching after inspecting the barn.
"We'll take care about that later" Adam said.
"Oh fuck !" Nick suddenly exclaimed in surprise, and everyone looked at him.
He was standing in front of one of the cages, where he had remove the sheeting, and three infected were extending their hands trying to catch the young man.
"Yeah there's infected in the cages." Meghan said.
"This guy really is a psychopath" Nick said staring at the creatures.
"Euh guys?" Ricky called, disbelieved. "There are not only infected"
Everyone looked at him. He was standing in front of a plastic sheeting, that have been tautened to define an area, and Ricky was looking inside. Everyone approached him and looked inside, then gasped in surprise. There was a stretcher and some medical supplies, and on the stretcher was sleeping a girl. This girl.
Alicia didn't really know if she had screamed the name out loud or not, but one thing was she sure about is that she was running towards her, and put her hands on the blonde's cheeks to examine her. She looked at each of her features, while her body was shaking because of the happiness, but also because of the panic. The panic to see her girlfriend, this girl she loved so much and she thought she had lost forever, lied on this stretcher, unconscious in this psychopath's barn.
"Elyza" Alicia whispered, caressing her lover's cheek.
The tears were streaming down her face, and she sniffed loudly as she was crying. Yes she was here, and she was breathing, her heart was beating.
"Elyza wake up!" Alicia begged while she was crying more loudly, shaking the blonde to make her wake up. "Elyza!" She yelled.
Why wasn't she waking up? She was alive, right? Was it all an horrible joke?
"Slow down !" Meghan exclaimed, putting a hand on Alicia's shoulder to stop her.
Alicia looked at her friend, to see that she was examining the transfusion bags. Alicia knew what it was, she had seen them a lot when she had visited her brother at the hospital. One was to hydrate her, the other to give her the nutrients she needed, but she didn't recognised the last one.
"What's that ?" Alicia asked.
"What's keeping her asleep" Meghan answered.
Alicia was about to remove the transfusion from Elyza's arm, when she noticed the injection marks on her arms.
"What the hell did he do to her ?" Adam asked.
"It's doesn't matter" Alicia said in a voice full of anger, clenching her jaw, and removing the transfusion. "She's alive. And we have to leave now."
"Wait" Nick said gently, and approached her little sister. "I get her".
"Wait !" Alicia stopped her brother, and raised Elyza's shirt.
She had a big scar on her torso, where she had received the bullet. Alicia put the shirt back, and nodded at her brother. Nick slid an arm under Elyza's shoulders and the other under her legs, and raised her from the stretcher.
"Let's go back to the car" Adam said taking his gun, and Josh did the same.
"Take the laptop" Meghan told Ricky. "I'll go get the others. And don't forget the charger"
Ricky nodded and did as he was told, and Meghan exited the barn, not by the door where they entered earlier, but by the other. She walked around the barn quickly, then moved towards the house, when she heard something. Turning aside, she was suddenly facing Jason, who was aiming his gun at her.
"I didn't know you were stupid enough to come back here" he said.
The fear could be seen all over Meghan's face, and she took a deep breath, trying to hide her fear while she was staring at Jason, who was glaring at her with hate, clenching his jaw. But finally Meghan relaxed, and a little smile appeared on her lips, surprising Jason.
"And I didn't know you were stupid enough to think I came back alone"
At this moment, Daniel knocked Jason out with the handle of his gun, and the man fell on the ground, unconscious.
"Is that Jason?" Daniel asked while the others were running towards them from the house.
"Yeah" Meghan said.
Daniel kneeled down on the ground next to the unconscious man, and tied his hands in his back.
"Have you found what you were looking for ?" Travis asked.
"Not" Meghan said. "But we have something better" 

Author's note
Hi :) please comment to let me know what you think :)

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