Chapter 27: A Troubled Past

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Daniel was standing in the basement, glaring silently at Jason. They were back in Big Water for some hours now, but Jason hasn't said anything. He was just looking at Daniel with his smirk on his face, sat on a chair in the middle of the basement and the hands tied in his back.
"Where are the weapons?" Daniel asked again. "Where are your teammates?"
Jason stayed silent, so Daniel approached him and glared at him.
"What did you do to Elyza?"
Jason raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent anyway.
"You know, the only reason why you're not bleeding yet, it's because my daughter begged me to not harm you. And you see, I really want to keep the promise I did to her. But if you continue to not say anything, I will be forced to break this promise and I'll be really angry. So tell me. Where are the weapons? Your teammates? And what did you do to Elyza?"

"How is she ?" Alicia asked when she saw her mother walking downstairs.
"Still unconscious" Madison sighed. "Anything new with the computer?" She asked looking at Jacob.
Jacob was sitting at the dinning table, trying to find the password for the computer. Meghan and Travis were by his side, and Olivia, Adam and Victor were sat at the table, while the others were in the living room, waiting silently to have news.
"Not yet" Jacob said. "No wait" he said a bit excitedly. "It's done! I'm in !"
"Good" Meghan said. "Search for some chemical formulas."
Jacob started to search in the computer, when he finally found a folder.
"There's a password" Jacob sighed, and started to break the password. "It's done" he said with a smile.
"You're good" Travis said, impressed.
"Thanks" Jacob said with a smile.
He started to look at the different folders.
"What the hell ?" Olivia exclaimed, as she was looking at the screen.
"What?" Jacob raised his look toward her.
"Look. There's a folder called Lex"
Everyone looked back at the screen, surprised, and Jacob opened the folder. Inside there were other folders, with a year as their names, starting by 2007. Jacob opened it, and they all gasped in surprise when they saw the pictures, while the others were leaving the living room to see what was going on.
"He was spying on Elyza?" Nick exclaimed.
"Since she's a teen" Alicia said clenching her jaw.
Jacob opened the other folders, and sighed when he opened the last one.
"Look at this" he said showing the last pictures. "It was a few days after we met her"
"Now it makes sense" Meghan sighed.
"What makes sense?" Madison asked.
"He is the one who found us" Meghan explained. "He came and proposed us to come with him. First I thought it was because he was nice, but actually the only thing he wanted, was Elyza."
There was a little silence, and finally Jacob spoke again.
"What's that ?" He asked opening a file.
"A criminal record" Travis stated. "It's hers"
"Theft, drunk driving, assault at fourteen?" Madison exclaimed.
"Mom" Alicia protested.
"What ?" Madison asked. "I didn't know she was a juvenile delinquent"
"If it can reassure you, there is nothing since the armed robbery" Meghan said with a little smile.
"Yeah" Madison sighed. "Can we look for those chemical formulas now?"
Jacob exited the folder, and started to search.
"Abby" he said looking at the name of a folder. "Who's Abby?" He looked at the others, frowning.
"I don't know" Adam said. "Probably an other of his victims"
Jacob opened the folder, and noticed it was exactly like in Elyza's. There were other folders, all named by years since 2005. Jacob decided to open the last one, and looked at the pictures. The pictures were of a woman, who seemed to be in her early forties.
"I don't blame him" Jacob said. "She's pretty"
"I don't understand" Victor said. "Why was he spying on Elyza, and on this woman ?"
Jacob shrugged and closed the folder.
"Maybe there's the answer here"
"Or maybe he's just a psychopath" Chris said shrugging.
With a little laugh, Jacob started to look at the others files and folders.
"Itineraries, addresses, oh there's an article" he said and opened the article, then started to read. "It's dated 1992. "A terrible car accident kills a couple and their daughter in Melbourne"" he continued to read. "Hey listen. James and Martha Roberts, and their daughter Camillia Roberts, age 17, died yesterday in a car accident, letting Jason Roberts, age 23, and Abigail Roberts, age 14."
"So this Abby is Jason's sister ?" Olivia exclaimed. "Why was he spying on his own sister ?"
"No idea" Jacob said, scrolling down the page. "Oh my. Look at this"
Everyone looked at the screen, looking at the picture that was with the article. There were the couple, with a young Jason, and two girls. The older one was probably Camillia, but the second one, no one could believe what they saw.
"That's Abigail?" Adam asked in disbelief.
"She looks exactly like Elyza" Olivia said.
"So what" Nick said. "Abigail's Elyza's mother?"
"Apparently" Madison said.
"He has a funny way to treat his niece" Meghan said.
Burning with anger, Alicia quickly walked away from the table.
"Alicia wait" Madison called.
But Alicia continued her way to the basement, and literally ran downstairs to face Jason.
"What are you doing here ?" Daniel asked, but Alicia ignored him.
"Abigail's your sister, and Elyza's mother. Am I right?" She asked in a voice full of anger.
But Jason stayed silent, glaring at Alicia with a little smirk.
"Answer me !" Alicia yelled and pushed him in his face, making his nose bleeding.
"Yes" Jason said in a voice full of disgust. "Yes she's my sister. And yes, she gave birth to Elyza."
"Why were you spying on her ? On both of them?"
Jason didn't answered, he just glared at the younger girl.
"Answer me" Alicia said raising her hand, ready to push him again.
"You want me to tell you the whole story?" Jason asked in anger. "Fine. When my parents died, Abby was the only person I had left. She was very smart, but she wasn't really a good girl, she liked to date bad boys when I was trying to stop her from doing that. And one day she got pregnant when she was only fifteen. I tried to made her abort, but I failed. And she got that child when she was sixteen. And I knew, if she had kept it, she would never go to college. She would never have a good job, nor a good future. So I was planning to make her abandon the child, but she ran away. It took two weeks for me to find her. I took the child, and I let it at an hospital. Abby was mad at me, but at least she got what I always desired for her. A good future. She became a great surgeon."
"You stole her child, so she could get what you wanted?" Alicia asked in a voice full of disgust.
"No. I did what I had to do to be sure she would get what she deserved."
"Why were you spying on her ?"
Jason didn't answered, he was still glaring at her.
"Why ?" Alicia yelled.
"Because she didn't want to see me anymore. And I was making sure she was okay." Jason answered in a loud voice. "But one day I discovered she was looking for Elyza. And I was thinking, why not ? She's a surgeon, earns a lot of money so has a perfect life ! But when I found Elyza, and discovered what kind of person she was, I couldn't let her around my sister."
"So you made sure Abby would never find Elyza"
Jason nodded.
"You really are a psychopath" she said in disgust, and turned around to leave the basement.

Author's note
Hi :) please comment to let me know what you think :)

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