Chapter 17: The Infected

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"No !" Alicia yelled in the cabin.
A bit worried, Elyza put out her cigarette and quickly get back in the cabin. She was careful not to run because of her sprain, but luckily she could walk. She entered the kitchen, to see that Alicia had a fight with her mother, again. Since the incident in Salt Lake City two weeks earlier, Madison, Travis, Victor and Daniel have made the decision to not go in the city unless if it was totally necessary, and of course Alicia didn't take the news well. She couldn't go in the forest, and she couldn't go in the city if they needed some supplies. It was now Travis and Daniel's job.
"I'm tired of this shit mom. I can't stay locked in here forever"
With that, she quickly exited the cabin, without looking at Elyza. Madison was about to follow her, but Elyza stopped her.
"I'll go talk to her." She said.
"Thank you, Elyza" Madison said in a sigh, and hurt in her eyes.
Elyza nodded with a little joyless smile, and she walked outside. She walked at the side of the cabin, to see that Alicia was where she always was when she wanted to be alone, sitting against the cabin and looking up at the trees.
"What was that ?" Elyza said approaching her girlfriend.
"What was what?" Alicia asked, turning her head to look at Alicia.
Elyza smirked, making Alicia sigh rolling her eyes, and looking back at the trees.
"I'm tired of being locked up in here" she said.
"It's for our safety" Elyza asked, moving in front of Alicia.
"I know" Alicia sighed. "But still. How many time will we stay here ? Until we're eighty ?"
"If we're still alive" Elyza chuckled. Then she crouched in front of her. "Look. Remember what they said yesterday. We will leave soon for a new refuge. Just be patient, okay?"
Alicia nodded.
"Come here" Elyza said, and leaned in to kiss Alicia on her lips.
It was a quick kiss and Elyza slowly pulled away. But Alicia put her hand on her cheek, and pulled her in to kiss her again, and this time the kiss was more passionate. As they were moaning against each other's lips, Alicia caressed Elyza's lips with her tongue, and quickly slid it into the older girl's opened mouth, deepening the kiss.
"Wow" Elyza exclaimed in a low voice a bit breathless, pulling away. "Do you know what time is it?"
Alicia frowned, confused.
"No, why?"
"Because I can't wait to go to bed with you"
Biting her lower lip, Alicia slowly laughed. Then, her hand still on her lover's cheek, she slowly slid the other under Elyza's jacket and shirt to caress her bare back, and leaned in to put her lips in Elyza's again, kissing her passionately.
"Alicia?" Someone exclaimed.
The girls quickly pulled away in a jump, and looked at the intruder. Madison was standing there, looking at them totally shocked, as she wasn't expecting that.
"I ... Um ... Want to talk to you"
Her cheeks red, Alicia nodded and stood up, while Madison was looking at her, then at Elyza, then back at her.
"How ..." Madison started as Alicia was standing next to her. "When ... How long ..."
"Two weeks, mom" Alicia said. "But nobody knows."
"Oh okay. Well I didn't see that coming" Madison said, still not believing what she just saw.
Alicia raised an eyebrow, while Elyza was approaching behind her.
"You mean ... It doesn't bother you ?" Alicia asked calmly.
"I don't know" Madison said. "Not yet, anyway." Then she took a deep breath. "Look, I wanted to talk about..."
Suddenly a groan made her stop, and she looked worriedly around her.
"What was that ?" Alicia asked worriedly, and Elyza took her pistol, ready to shoot any infected.
An other groan was heard, and Madison slowly extended a arm ahead of her daughter, ready to defend her. Some other groans were heard, and suddenly they could see the danger. A horde of infected was approaching the wall.
"The gate is closed, isn't it?" Alicia asked trying to sound calm, but failed.
The first infected bumped into the gate, and they immediately got the answer when it slammed open.
"It's not !" Madison exclaimed. "Run !"
Alicia and Elyza ran inside of the cabin, followed by Madison who immediately locked the door.
"We have to leave ! Now!" Madison exclaimed once she was inside.
"What's going on?" Victor asked, but a look through the window gave him the answer.
"Everyone pack up now !" Travis ordered. "Only the necessary: clothes, medicines and weapons."
Everyone nodded and ran upstairs, except Ofelia who stayed on the couch, because of her leg.
"How is it possible?" Chris asked upstairs. "How can they be that much? And how can they be here ?"
"I don't know" Travis asked almost yelling. "But they're here so do as I said and pack your stuffs."

Once they all finished packing, they gathered in the living room, and saw that the infected were at the windows.
"So" Victor started. "Daniel and Elyza will go first to try and kill as much of those infected as possible. And I'll carry Ofelia."
Everyone nodded, waiting for Victor to continue.
"Elyza, give your backpack to Travis, you'll take the motorcycle. Travis and Chris will take the pickup truck, Madison, Alicia, Claire and Elena will take Madison's car, and Daniel, Ofelia, Nick and I will take the third car. Understood? We'll have to be quick."
Everyone nodded and Victor wrapped a arm around Ofelia's shoulders ready to carry her, while she was holding the crutches, ready to use them as a weapon if needed. Alicia was holding her sword and her pistol, Elyza her bigger gun, Travis had a pistol and the others were holding baseball bats or an iron bar. They all moved toward the door, ready to open it and run through the horde.
"Claire j'ai peur !" (Claire I'm scared !) Elena suddenly exclaimed as she was holding her sister's hand.
"Ne t'en fais pas, ça va aller. On sera bientôt dans la voiture" (Don't worry it'll be okay. We'll be in the car soon.) Claire tried to reassure her little sister.
The little girl nodded, holding her teddy bear tightly against her.
"Ready ?" Daniel asked a hand on the door's handle.
Everyone nodded and Daniel opened the door.
As soon as the door was opened, an infected entered the cabin, and Elyza quickly shoot it in the head. Everyone ran outside of the cabin toward their cars, kicking or shooting the infected. Travis and Chris were the first to enter their car, quickly followed by Daniel, Nick, Victor and Ofelia. Madison opened the door of her car, ready to get in it, when the little girl's voice get her intention.
"Mon doudou !" She exclaimed and let go of her sister's hand, running towards her teddy bear that was on the ground.
"Elena non!" Claire exclaimed.
Before Madison could move, Alicia was already running towards the little girl who was stepping backwards, holding her teddy bear tightly and looking at the infected that were approaching her.
"Get in !" Elyza ordered to Madison and Claire, driving her motorcycle toward Alicia.
Madison and Claire didn't hesitate and did as they were told, while Alicia was kicking the infected and Elyza shooting them. Alicia quickly wrapped an arm around the little girl, carrying her toward the motorcycle. At the second she was on it, Elena being struck between her and Elyza, Madison started the car and followed the other cars away from what was their refuge for a month.

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