Request 2

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Anonymous~Omg this is awesome thanks for letting us suggest stuff! You should totally do one where benji and marcus have a fight and ben goes out for a walk and gets mugged and beat up and then they cant find him for a while and everyone is freaking out and...ahhh, it would be amazing even though i feel like a bad person for making up such awful things haha


Named You Like A Prayer

Ben and Marcus have fought before- they’ve been friends since they were kids, and it’s bound to happen. But very rarely did they raise their voices, if ever. And even though this fight had been one where neither man raised their voice, Ben still had to get out.

He needs to clear his head, because that topic has been one he has wanted to avoid for days.

Ben no one is going to care that we’re in love. It doesn’t matter what they say. Who gives a fuck?

Ben had wanted to reply that he gave a fuck, but he hadn’t known how to say it without it escalating to a shouting match. He loves Marcus- there is no doubting that. But he can’t take people staring. He never could, not when he was a kid, or a teenager and not even now that he’s in his mid twenties. He doesn’t like the feeling that people are talking about him behind his back, even if they’re not saying bad things. It makes him anxious, and being anxious makes him not want to eat, and makes it hard for him to sleep.

But Marcus is ready for them to move their relationship into the limelight.

Ben can tell Marcus is getting frustrated with him, but Ben doesn’t know what to do. He’s terrified of what people will think.

For the most part though, he’s terrified for Marcus because he doesn’t know what his parents will think.

Ben lights a fag while he walks down one of the streets of the latest city they’re stuck in. Pittsburgh, he thinks. He started to lose track, and they’re all blending together and looking the same. The only thing that made this one stick out a little are the multiple bridges all around the city to get over the rivers that surround it.

The sun light is already starting to dim, and he’s been walking for nearly an hour now, but he doesn’t want to go back to the hotel. Marcus is probably still pissed.

“Hey there, man. Wanna buy some tickets? Good band in town tonight.”

Ben glances up, trying to hide his absolute loathing for ticket scalpers. “No thanks, mate,”  He’s even more angered by the fact that they’re tickets to one of their own shows, but he doesn’t say anything, just keeps walking. He drops the spent cigarette and stomps it out, just as he does so feeling someone grab onto his hoodie and pull him back.

“No tickets then?” The guy asks again.

Ben gives a frustrated sigh, pulling out of the man’s grip. “No, I don’t-”

“How bout just your wallet then?” The guy yanks him back again and moves to rifle through Ben’s pockets, but Ben is quick to shove him away, which merely earns him a quick a swift fist to his jaw. He stumbles back, tripping and falling. His head cracks hard off the pavement, and he gasps, too dazed for a moment to fight back as the man kicks him painfully in the ribs.

Ben groans slightly, his head hurts like a bitch, and his body doesn’t want to obey.

“Hey!” A girl shouts. The man stops digging through Ben’s pockets, and looks up, running off before the girl has a chance to get a good look at him or call the cops.

Collecting Rarities (A collection of Mumford and Sons one shots)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara