Bonus :)

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A/N not requested, but an idea i had stuck in my head so i wrote it down so i could get back to TENH- i thought i'd be nice and share :) hope you like it, dont forget to vote or comment if you want! :D


Under My Skin

Marcus had thought he knew love when he fell for Laura. He still believes that maybe that was just the beginning- the opening scene of what would become a tragedy and then slowly unfold into something more beautiful than he could ever imagine.

Carey had at first reminded him of Laura- she had the same warm eyes, the same short blond hair that framed her delicate face. That, was about the extent of their similarities though. Laura wasn’t much of a vocal person if she didn’t have to be, and though she displayed some of the stronger emotions she felt, just as many were hidden behind thoughtful glances and silent conversations amongst her own muses that only once in a rare while Marcus got experience.

Though he was very slow to admit it at the time, Marcus knows he was still a little caught on Laura at the time he was reintroduced to Carey.

The longer he spent time with her, the more she healed the hole in his heart.

And now that they’re married he feels like the luckiest person on the entire planet.

One of his favorite times is in the morning. He’s always been the first to wake up- the last few years on tour have permanently fucked up his sleeping schedule, so on the weekends when they’re off from tour and it’s just him and Carey in their new home, he wakes up sometime around seven in the morning.

Today happens to be like that, and Marcus isn’t complaining even though they had a late night when he’d gotten home. He cracks a smile at the thought of the night’s activities and how they hadn’t gone to bed until probably midnight. Carey had missed him, and Marcus had most definitely missed her. They had fallen asleep tangled together in a mass of limbs and blankets.

Carey looks like an angel while she sleeps. Well, Marcus thinks, she always looks like an angel anyway.

He traces over her lips lightly with his thumb, then down her jawline and her collarbone. He loves every single bit of her. Everything about her is gorgeous.

When Marcus returns his attention to her face, hazel eyes meet sleepy brown eyes and he smiles.

“Good morning,” He says quietly, his voice low and rough in the morning.

“Good morning,” She replies, smirking a little. She takes his hand between both hers, and places a tiny kiss on his knuckles.

“So what would you like to do this morning?” Marcus asks, unable to contain his happiness. Carey is his. He gets to spend the rest of his life with this beautiful, passionate, fiery woman.

“A repeat of last night would be wonderful,” She purrs softly, pulling him closer for a teasing kiss.

Marcus smiles against her lips, his fingers tangling in her hair as he holds her close.

“But,” She says slowly, pulling away. Marcus feigns hurt. “I still have work on Monday, and I suppose I need to save a few kisses for Leo.”

Marcus knows she just teasing him, but he can’t help the fact that he’s jealous of the actors that get to kiss his wife as a job requirement.

He wraps her up in his arms. “Nope,” He mumbles as she starts to giggle, squirming as she loses herself to laughter. “I’m not sharing you with anyone, tell Leo sorry.”

“Marcus,” She squeals happily, laughing even harder as Marcus starts to tickle her sensitive sides.

“Oh that’s right,” Marcus says, chuckling too now, “He’s probably too busy looking for an Oscar to really kiss you like I do,”

Carey smirks at him as the tickle attack stops, and she hits him gently on the shoulder. “You’re a jerk. Leo is a really nice guy, he’d never try to steal me away from you, and I think he does deserve an Oscar, so there.” She sticks her tongue out at him.

Marcus places a kiss on her forehead. “You’re too sweet. I’m just jealous though. I wish it was my job to kiss you all day.”

“It’s a weekend, lovely,” She says, smiling sweetly. “It is your job to kiss me all day. And you’re working double shifts a little later tonight.” Carey winks at him as she gets up for the day and steals one of his large sleepshirts. It’s big enough on her that she can wear it like a dress and forgo pants, so that’s what she does. Marcus admires her figure even as he pulls on jeans and a button down.

Carey pads off to the kitchen, humming quietly a song she has had stuck in her head for days now. She puts a griddle on the stove and turns on the heat, still humming as she starts mixing together all the ingredients for pancakes. When she had been on tour with them for a while Ben had taught her a few simple recipes that he had learned were Marcus’ favorite, so she stored them away for occasions like this.

Marcus hugs her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. “What’re you making?” He asks.

“Pancakes,” She replies, smiling. Marcus is just so sweet and romantic even when he’s not trying- and he usually isn’t. Carey knows that the boys give him a lot of crap for it, but honestly that’s just the way their little family is. They do it out of love.

In fact, when Ben had learned Carey and Marcus were engaged, he talked to Carey about what had happened with Laura, and how shattered Marcus had been by the whole thing. Ben had thanked her, because he had seen Marcus change drastically only days after they had met again.

“Is it Benji’s recipe?” He asks, sounding skeptical.

Carey nods, pouring some of the batter onto the pan.

“I love you so much,” Marcus says, in awe of this wonderful being before him.

“I love you too,” She informs with complete honesty.

Marcus pulls her away from the griddle, spinning her as they dance. Marcus sings softly to her, and the two keep the rhythm.

“I’ve got you under my skin,” Marcus sings slowly, revealing his secret love of Sinatra. “I’ve got you deep in the heart of me…”

Carey giggles as he twirls her around again.

He continues singing even after she breaks away from the dancing to continue with making breakfast.

By the time they’ve finished eating their breakfast of pancakes topped with syrup and every kind of fresh fruit they can find, they settle on couch together and just enjoy their morning tea in each other’s company.

Both are content; what could be better than marrying your one true love?

Collecting Rarities (A collection of Mumford and Sons one shots)Where stories live. Discover now