Request 3

351 6 4

mumfiegunny~I haven't seen many Tedcus ones, so maybe a cute Tedcus one just to make up for that lol

Little Lion Ted

From the moment that Ted had been admitted to the hospital, Marcus started to lose his mind with worry.

Since that stressful discovery of the blood clot, and the doctors rushing to find a room in intensive care, Ted being completely and utterly calm all the while; Marcus hasn’t left his friend’s side at all in the past three hours.

Currently they’re awaiting an operating room, and Ted’s in a prep room, drugged out of his mind to help with the pain.

“They’re gonna have to shave my head aren’t they?” Ted mumbles. His eyes are glassy and unfocused, and Marcus is really hoping that it’s just because of the pain meds.

Marcus’ eyes flick over to the monitors displaying vitals. Nothing seemed out of place, but then again, he’s so high strung because of this ordeal so he’d probably try to find something that’s wrong even if there’s nothing there.

“I guess so. But it’ll grow back,” Marcus assures him. Marcus knows that Ted is very proud of his hair and his beard.

“I know,” Ted says quietly. He’s having trouble concentrating. “But still,” His nose wrinkles at the thought of being bald with a beard. “I’ll look like an axe murderer.”

Marcus gives a strained laugh at that. “No you won’t. You’ll still be our cuddly teddy bear.”

Marcus is so scared right now, he doesn’t even know what to do with himself. He had tried a bit of writing, but it had ended in a mess of crumpled up papers and an annoying papercut.

Within the next ten minutes a lady comes in to shave Ted’s hair and Ted sits silently through the process, the only indication of distress is the way he squeezes Marcus’ hand. He keeps his eyes closed as curly hair floats away, until his mane, as Winnie liked to call it, is gone completely. He sighs when the lady has finished.

“It’ll grow back,” Marcus assures him again gently.

“I know. I don’t really know why that makes me so sad,” Ted admits with a tiny chuckle. “It’s just hair after all.”

Marcus is a little saddened by the sudden haircut. He loves Ted’s curly crazy hair.

“Don’t think about it too much,” Marcus places a gentle kiss between Ted’s eyes.

“Where are the others?” Ted asks, trying to do as Marcus suggests.

“They went out to get something to eat I think.”

Ted fiddles with a fraying edge of the blanket. “You probably should’ve gone with them. You need to go have some fun.” The bassist is aware of how narrow-sighted Marcus can be when he’s concerned for someone. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep. He makes himself go sick with worry.

Marcus scoffs at that. “I’d be so lost in thought I’d forget to eat anyway. I’d rather be here with you.”

Ted smiles. “Thanks mate.”

“Mr. Dwane, they’re ready to take you to the OR now.”

Marcus sighs tiredly, trying not to let all the scary scenarios where Ted isn’t all right in the end out of his head.

“I’ll be fine,” Ted mutters as the nurse leaves to find the doctors.

Marcus takes Ted’s face in between his hands and lets his lips crash down onto Ted’s. The kiss is deep and desperate, and when Marcus pulls away he places another kiss there, one that is more gentle. He is so afraid he’ll never be able to kiss those lips again.

“You better be fine,” Marcus whispers roughly. “Or else.”

Ted chuckles as Marcus backs away. “See you later, yeah?”

Marcus smiles brokenly as they take Ted away.

“Yeah.” He says to the empty room. “See you later.”


A/N sorry it's so short but i hope it was okay!!!! dont forget to vote or comment! :D

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