Request 1

914 10 3

shake-my-ass-to-the-wind ~ *rubs hands together and smiles maniacally* okkkk so you should definitely do one with Marcus really really sick and Benji has to take care of him (omg u should see my evil facial expression rn oh goodness) omg and you could also do Marcus getting hurt omgomgomg and either Benji or Teddy having to help him or w/e like oMG !!!!!!!!!!

Sick Day

Marcus is constantly getting rather ill on the road, and it isn’t the first time Ben has seen him looking poorly.

Ben can already see the signs that Marcus is very rapidly going downhill for the umpteenth time, and for the exact same amount of times he is trying to stay strong and keep the illness from holding him back.

After dragging through a twenty minute interview, Marcus and Ben are finally back in the tour bus and the guitarist just falls into his bunk after changing into sweatpants and a hoodie, trying to cough as quietly as he can.

“You feel okay?” Ben asks, sitting on the bed next to him, rubbing his back.

Marcus shivers slightly at the contact, but nods. “Too many cigarettes,” He offers with an unconvincing smile.

Ben rest the back of his hand on Marcus’ forehead, sighing. “You’ve a fever, mate, don’t think you can hide that.”

Marcus groans, burying his face in his pillow. He feels awful, that much is certain, but very rarely is Ben taking care of him- it’s normally the other way around. Not to say that Marcus is against Ben taking care of him. Quite the opposite really.

Marcus shudders, his body unable to decide if he’s burning up with heat or if he’s freezing cold.

Ben is sent running into action, and comes back with blankets, hot tea, and medicine.

“Thank you…” Marcus says quietly, his throat hurting too much to let him speak louder.

“Do you need anything?” Ben asks, wanting to make sure he’s comfortable. Marcus always knew exactly what made Ben feel better when he gets sick. But now that they had traded places, Ben is worried he won’t be able to properly return the favor.

 Marcus shakes his head, but motions for Ben to join him on the bed.

 Ben does so, offering Marcus his mug of hot tea. Marcus sits up in his bunk and accepts it gratefully as Ben nestles into his side comfortingly.

“We have a gig tonight,” Marcus mumbles with a sigh.

“We can cancel it if you’re not up to it,” Ben reminds him gently. Marcus always seems to forget that all of their health takes precedence over gigs. It’s not in his nature to let people down

“No.” Marcus mutters. “It’s just a little cold, nothing that’ll keep me from playing later.”

“Well,” Ben offers, “Why don’t you get some sleep? I’ll wake you when we get there.”

Marcus nods after a moment of hesitation and finishes his tea, setting aside the mug and burrowing deeper into the blankets. Ben uses Marcus’ shoulder as a pillow and curls up into his side, one arm thrown over Marcus’ waist as if to ensure he wouldn’t leave.

“G’night Ben.”

“Good night, Marcus,” Ben replies sweetly, placing a tiny kiss on Marcus cheek.

Marcus falls asleep with a smile.


By the time Marcus is awoken a few hours later, he just moans. He still feels just as awful as he did before.

He shivers a little, now freezing cold again without Benji’s warm presence beside him.

“Ben…” He calls out. His voice is starting to crack a bit beneath the weight of whatever sickness that plagues him.

Ben doesn’t reply, so Marcus gets up, surprised to how woozy the movement makes him. He steadies himself before venturing out of the bunk room.

“Hullo sleeping beauty,” Winnie greets, staring down at some sort of puzzle he holds. When he looks up his smile falls into a frown. “I take back the beauty bit. You look like shit.”

“Thanks,” Marcus growls unhappily. He plops down on the couch beside Winnie, pulling the sleeves of his hoodies over his hands.

“Sound like shit too. Probably oughta avoid talking till the gig, yeah?” Winnie suggests.

Marcus throws a pillow at the banjo player. “You’d enjoy that wouldn’t you.”

Winston giggles like a schoolgirl at that. “I was being seriously, but now that you mention it-,” Winston lobs the pillow back at Marcus, and the guitarist glares, about throw it back as hard as he can when Ben climbs from the front cabin to the back.

“All right, no pillow fights. You remembered what happened last time.” Ben scolds, taking the pillows away from them both.

Winnie does remember what happened last time, and he remembers having to clean up after it, he relents without a fight and stands so he can get up and join Ted up front while he drives.

“How you feeling?” Ben asks, sitting next to his best mate.

Marcus just grunts in reply and nuzzles into Ben’s side.

“You’re still shivering a little,” Ben mumbles, rubbing circles into his friend’s back.

“Cold,” Marcus says quietly, sniffling. He hates being sick so much, but it gives him a good excuse to cuddle with Benji.

Ben wraps his arms around Marcus help him warm up little, but he doesn’t stay that way for long, figuring that Marcus ought to have something to help with his very obvious fever. Marcus wails unhappily when he gets up to find him some ibuprofen to help get his temperature down.

“We still have awhile to go yet,” Ben informs Marcus as he accepts the medicine, downing the pills dry. “So you can sleep some more if you’d like.”

Marcus gives a jaw-cracking yawn and snuggles into Ben’s side once more, hugging him close to his body. “Okay,” Marcus agrees easily. “But only if you don’t go this time.”

Ben smiles, ruffling Marcus’ dark hair.

“I won’t leave this time, promise.”


A/N thanks for reading! :D these are all going to be one shots written only from requests that I recieve through tumblr! the message at the top will always be the ask that included the prompt, and the person who gave the prompt ideas :D apologies for any grammar or typo issues <3

find me on tumblr if you want to get involved! I'm gilraenstar there too!

thanks so much for reading, dont forget to vote or comment if you would be so kind!!! :)

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