Request 5

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a request for some carey/marcus! hope you like it! be sure to vote and comment (YOU CAN REQUEST THINGS TOO!)

Keep Calm and Carey On

It’s difficult to see an angel so sickly.

It’s like having your heart torn out and then sewn back in wrong without painkillers. Or at least, that’s how Marcus feels when he’s sees his little wife, curled up in bed coughing and sneezing and looking positively miserable.

“You all right, beautiful?” Marcus asks, sitting on the edge of their bed. She hasn’t found the strength to get up at all this morning, other than to throw up in the loo. Marcus had to half drag her back to their bed as she had fallen asleep again in his arms. She’s awake again though, squirming and moaning with frustration as she tries to get comfortable.

Marcus smiles when she curls up into his side and grumbles something incoherent.

“Use your words, sweetie,” He prompts, chuckling. Even when she’s feeling poorly she manages to be the most adorable thing in the universe.

“Sick,” She repeats slowly, looking up at Marcus with glossy eyes.

Marcus rests he back of his hand on her forehead, worried by how warm she is. “I could’ve guessed that, noodle. Need anything?”

Carey’s eyes drift shut even as she shakes her head no. She struggles to open them again. “Tea?” She asks. “And you, and more snuggly blankets, and a movie?”

Marcus smiles down at her. He pulls the blankets more closely around her as she shivers like a leaf in the wind. “I’ll be right back, yeah? Don’t go anywhere.”

Marcus hurries about the house, first finding his wife some extra blankets so she doesn’t freeze whilst he’s off making her tea. He piles another comforter and quilt onto her, and she mewls pitifully as he leaves again to make her mint tea and find a movie.

As he hums in the kitchen and waits for the kettle to come to a boil, his phone beeps loudly. He grins widely to see it’s from Carey.

Baaaaaaabe :(

Marcus laughs aloud. Carey is very impatient today.

The kettle whistles halfheartedly now, so Marcus pours two steaming mugs of water over the mint tea bags and dumps the correct amount of sugar in each. He grabs the first DVD he sees, which happens to be one of Carey’s favorites, and rushes off to their bedroom as fast he can manage with the mugs and movie.

“Bout time.” She grumbles.

“No need to be grumpy,” Marcus says with a little laugh. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead and hands her one of the mugs. She accepts it with a playful smirk, taking a tiny sip.

He puts the movie in and gets back into bed with Carey, having to fight with all of her blankets just so he can find her.

“Comfy?” He asks.

Carey nods and snuggles into his side once more. “I love you.”

Marcus gives her a gentle kiss on the lips. He could care less about getting sick if it meant Carey would be more comfortable.

“I love you too; in sickness and in health,” he reminds her.

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