Wooing Harry Styles

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-Harry's Point of View-

Niall and I returned home after a long shoot in London. I bought a small condo near my mum's place to use as a nest every time we return to England. It's nothing grand but it's a huge improvement from our old flat.

I can tell something was off the moment we stepped through the doorway.

"I'm getting a weird vibe." I murmur as Niall locks the door behind me.

"Weird as in something bad's about to happen or like we got robbed?" Niall questions, his eyebrows scrunching up.

"I dunno. Let's look around." I suggest as I throw my keys onto the kitchen counter.

I headed past the living room and down the hall to my bedroom. Everything looked in order. All my things are where they should be, my laptop, my photos and clothes. I try to shake off the strange anxiety as I toe my shoes off still looking for any subtle difference.

When I open my drawers for a pair of fresh socks, a yellow post-it note catches my eye.

'You're beautiful'.

Immediately Zayn comes to mind but how could he have snuck into my flat? It doesn't really seem plausible. How could he have gotten through the front gate let alone inside the flat? Besides, Zayn wouldn't do something like this...

For the rest of the day, I kept finding those stupid post-it notes all over the place. In the bathroom, in my closet, and even under my pillow.

"It's sort of sweet..." Niall says as we munch on pasta in front of the telly.

"You don't even know if it's Zayn." I grumble.

"Who else knows that you 'have a perfect bum with a duck-shaped birthmark'?" Niall asks reading off a post-it note that had gotten stuck to my shoe.

"You know that." I roll eyes.

"But I didn't write these. And I doubt your parents or Gemma did."

"It could've been some crazy fan."

"Then why aren't you calling the police?"

"You don't know for a fact it's him." I sigh, wiping off marinara sauce from the edges of my mouth before settling my half-eaten plate down.

Niall swipes my phone from the glass coffee table and begins scrolling through it until he finds whatever he's looking for.

"Here, it's ringing." Niall shoves the phone in my hand.

My heart begins to pound in my ears as the call tone begins to dial. It only rings twice before a familiar voice is answering desperately.

"Hello? Harry? Please say something?"

I clear my throat before I force myself to speak.

"Did you leave those post-it notes in my flat?"

"I might've. Are you free for dinner tonight?"



"It's shark week on discovery channel."

"Harry...you can bring your camera?" He offers.

My face flushes and my stomache knots at the thought of taking pictures of Zayn again. I'm flustered and speechless. My palms go slick with sweat, unsure of what to say. I can barely form a thought as my mouth can't seem to coordinate with my slow brain.

"I-Is that a yes?"

"Zayn I don't know-"

"Shhh don't think about it. Come to my flat whatever time you can." He hangs up before I have a chance to say no.

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