Cupid's Chokehold

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-Zayn's Point of View-

"Our next guest came exploding on the scene with creative artwork that has all the critics calling him the Andy Warhol of our generation. Please welcome Harry Styles!"

The crowd erupts into screams. The camera pans toward the audience that's full of young girls that are wearing homemade t-shirts that say 'Mrs. Styles' and they're near tears as Harry enters walking by them with a demure look on his face. Harry walks over to the brunette host wearing a tight dress with ridiculous high heels and engulfs her in a hug. When they let each other go, Harry leans in for the double cheek kisses. The host fans herself dramatically while the crowd laughs.

When he sits down, the crowd continues roaring.

"Settle down everyone! You're going to make poor Harry go deaf!"

Harry laughs and adjusts his curls.

"I must say it's a pleasure to have you here."

"It's a pleasure to be here, so thank you."

"You recently shot photos of the lively Marina & The Diamonds. Tell us how that was!"

"A bit surreal. Well not just a bit. It was intimidating actually. She’s quite a character." Harry answered.

He went on to playfully banter with the interviewer, even making her blush more than once as he licked his lips and shot her cheeky smiles, smiles that once used to be directed at me.

"Why are you torturing yourself?" Liam asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply, raising the volume on the telly.

"You aren't getting over him if you keep watching his interviews."

It's been three months.

I hadn't heard from Harry since we broke up. To say I miss him would be the understatement of the century. I know it isn't good to follow Harry like this. I check on him on all social media and I watch anything that has to do with him. It’s a bit of an obsession.

"I want to talk about your early work. You took pictures of a certain boy. Who was he?"

"Yes. He was a guy that helped out. He was just a friend."

"Was a friend? Are you not anymore?"

"No not really. I can't stay sad though. I mean, look where I am now." 

Harry shrugged and smiled.

The whole crowd began clapping and cheering.

"I think they are a few girls out there that would love to cheer you up." The interviewer laughed.

Anger rushed through my entire body. I threw that remote control against the wall watching it shatter in satisfaction.

He's absolutely everywhere. Wherever I turn there's either a picture of him or a photo shot by him. He's all anyone is talking about and every time he's asked about a picture of me, he answers so vaguely as if he really couldn't care less. And every time it hurts that much more. A new hole in my chest when he acts like it was nothing.

It's like...he knows I'm watching.

I tried going to his flat once when I gotten desperate. It was more than a month ago but he didn't live there anymore. Now some little old lonely man smelling of moth balls lives in his flat.

I'm pretty sure Harry took his mate Niall with him. Liam's always chatting with him on the phone and I'm always tempted to ask where they've gone but then I remember back to our fight.

But people fight. They say things they don't mean. They don't up and leave so suddenly.

"I don't give a shit about him." I lie.

"It's alright, Zayn." Liam uses that soothing tone he uses when he doesn’t really believe me.

"If I see him in a hundred years, it'll still be too soon."

"Oh...would that mean this Saturday is too soon as well?"

"What're you saying?"

"Look you don’t want to go but Harry's got an exhibit opening in Birmingham and Niall will be there so I want to see him."

"You have something going on with him?"

"I dunno...kind of. It's hard when he lives all the way in-"


"It doesn't matter. I just want to see him."

"Is Louis going?"

"There's a strong possibility..."

"What aren't you telling me?"

"Don't get angry but Harry sent us tickets."

"How many?"

"Look it doesn't matter-"

"How many?"

"He sent one to me and one to Louis."

My blood boiled. So he doesn't want to see me hm? All the more reason to go. I want to show up and ruin his night. I want to look so fucking hot that he'll beg on his knees for me.

I want to grab him and demand to know why he just left.

It wasn't over for me...not really.

Yes! I'm bringing the story back! I'm getting asked quite frequently about it so why the hell not? Besides have you guys seen all that zarry lovin' that's been going on recently? I just can't even!

This is just a small prelude to the next chapter. I'm actually retitling the story as well. It's gonna be called Young & Beautiful!

P.S- If someone could make me a new cover with the new title(Young & Beautiful) I'd REALLY appreciate it and I'd give you a dedication! Message me if you can!

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