The Aging Astronomer Part 3

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"Are you okay little boy? You sure look familiar..." The mother narrowed her eyes at him, taking in the blood all over his body. Suddenly her eyes became wide and she gasped. "You're... you're glowing!" Bill looked down at his body to see that she was right.

Using all his strengh, he got up and closed his eyes. The family went back into the house. Suddenly, he felt himself lift up into a whirling tornado. Water coursed through the land and homes were being swept away, breaking into hundreds of planks. People struggled to stay alive by hanging onto floating objects nearby. Others weren't so lucky and drowned underneath a heavy load.

Billy wanted to save his telescopes, but then mentally waved the thought away. He would have hundreds of telescopes that were way better now that he had contacted the aliens. He'd have more than a million bucks to waste money on!

He opened his eyes to find himself in a room so bright he had thought he was blind for a split second. He tried to crane his neck around, but found he could only look straight ahead. His body was tied to some sort of table. Minutes passed and he started to wonder if he was dead. A dark figure came into view in front of him, a slimy creature with hundreds of bumps all over his body. He reached over and took a small sharp object in its long fingers, and started to drag it through Bill's body, slowly and painfully. 

The End.

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