The Aging Astromomer PART 1

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Hey hey hey! Heh. My name is Bill. Bill Billian, to be precise.

What I do is I chart stars, planets and observe the night sky. Why is this, you ask? Well now, I will explain to you!

I am an astronomer! Or a young one, at least. I'm 5. Not too young, not to old, eh? 

I own three hundred and forty-four telescopes (and still counting). But sadly, its not as large as my brother's collection (fifteen thousand four hundred sixteen; I like to memorize large numbers).

Someday I'll collect more than my brother! In order to fulfill  that goal, I had to stop him from buying more, which led me to have to kill him. Don't worry, no torture was involved. Just a sip of poison, it was quick. I loved my brother, and I didn't want him to suffer over his death.

After my plan, I threw all his scopes into the dump's incinerator to burn. If you're wondering, why doesn't he just take some of his scopes? Well, the answer to that is because I want my scopes to be something I am proud of, not just something I stole.

Oh look! Another star,  I really should get going. 

By the way: don't try to beat my record. If you do I will find you. I have sources.




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