Jones shrugged. "He is, but he hasn't been on since it starts. Feel kinda sorry for him. Go cheer him up or something".

"You mean me?" I raised and eyebrow. Luca and Jones nodded in unison. I sighed but looked around, finding no signs of Gerald. Luca in the meantime dragged me to the court and asked for a time-out.

"Guys! Can we both play!?" He asked his tone rather excited, since this sport has always been his favorite.

"Sure!" Most of them said.

"Okay, so Noah'll be in my team. You can have Vizcarra since we already have the Rodriguez", Isaac Anderson told Paul Alvarez. The said dude only nodded while spinning a ball on his finger an passed it to Luca who has signaled him to.

I walked up to Isaac. "Dude, where's Gerald?"

"Oh, he said he didn't feel well so he went to the infirmary", Isaac replied simply. I only nodded slightly as a reply.

I actually know why Gerald is not here. He doesn't like sports. The reason? Other people. Everyone knew Gerald is the weakest at sports and he pretty much suck at it. No offense.

So, he is always likely to be choosen last or a 'leftover'. Sometimes the captains even did a rock-paper-scissor to see who must unfortunately end up with Gerald. I have to admit, whenever me or Luca were picked as captains, Gerald is not on our top list either.

He would most likely mutter an excuse to not join, and of course, most people were relieved by that. Many teams that Gerald's in always loses.

"Can I be sub? I'm exhausted", I mumbled to Isaac again. He smiled and raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Sure, you look like you will faint any moment now", I ignored his light tease and lay myself down on the bench. I watched them began playing again, Luca's there too. His stamina scares me sometimes.

After about ten minutes, Larissa Archnadel asked to switch with me so I stretched my arms and yawned, before stepping into the court.

"Alright!" After each team done switching, Mr. Branham took his place again. "Game will resume in 5... 4... 3... 2..."


Without knowing it, the ball has been passed to me before I realize it and I quickly dribbled to the other side of the court, but then was guarded by some dude. I looked around and found the rest of my teams were being man-to-man, so I averted my eyes to an empty spot and threw the ball there.

Reading my movements, Kyle took a quick step there and caught the ball, before threwing it to Isaac, who's waiting under the ring.

The game continues, and Luca & me found ourselves talking all the time in the game, even though we're on different teams.

Luca dribbled the ball slowly to me and stopped walking when I guarded him.

"Did you see that before? That guy Meth was so showing off, catching every pass in dramatic style", he told me, sighing.

"I know right? It's really unnecessary." I mumbled, following everywhere he steps, keeping my eye on the ball in his hands.

"But, like, seriously", Luca rolled his eyes, before simply passed the ball to his waiting teammate. "I'm sure he just want to impress the girls"

I laughed lightly. "I didn't even know he plays basketball!" I said as we took our positions back for any rebounds.

"Eden! Vizcarra! Last warning! Be serious!" the annoying teacher goes again.

"Why so serious?" I muttered in annoyance. The brown-haired beside me giggled.

"I fucking heard that!" Mr. Branham shouted. "Go run 10 laps around the field, 80 push-ups and make 50 shoots in the ring after class!"

Babysitting Homosexual Twins (Yaoi BoyxBoy) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now