■ Knocking some sense

Start from the beginning

My throat felt constricted. The pain in the chest was increasing.

"You know, I didn't exactly support Allison for what she did five years ago. I thought that wasn't a good thing she did. She shouldn't have made such assumptions. But now I am gonna support her. You don't deserve her. You broke her heart again, Jared. I hope you are happy," She snapped.

I flinched, "Hailey, I am hurt too. You don't think its tough for me? I know I made a decision I shouldn't have made. I love her. Its hurting me too. I will apologise to her. I hope she forgives me," I muttered, "I am only doing this for the company. Maybe for a brighter future of Allison and me."

"You and you. You think the entire world revolves around you? Your pain. Your happiness. Your deal. Your engagement. Your studies. Your heartbreak. You said you can't be selfish. But I see you are the most selfish right now. Think about Allison. Her heartbreak, her pain, her happiness. Stop thinking about you. Think about her. The pain she got when she got the news. Its not about you getting your apology. Its about you being there for her," She shouted.

I shut my mouth, feeling the burden on me growing heavier with every passing second.

"And if you marry Cecelia, forget about Allison because I am definitely not letting you break her heart. You won't break two people's hearts," She said, shooting daggers at me.

"But she knows its a business deal. She knows I don't love her. I haven't even spoke to her alone..." I trailed off.

"Jared, we are girls. We don't think it that way. She may not love you but she will at least expect some respect from you which you won't be able to give her post your marriage, because then you will always think about Alli," She said.

She was right.

"No one is perfect. Nobody is correct. But that doesn't mean you leave that relationship. Because at the end, affection is always greater than perfection, Jared. You are making no one happy here. You are destroying three lives at once. You still have the chance. Fix it before it gets out of control," She barked in anger, "Use the brains God has given you to good use and do the correct thing for once. I am seriously getting sick of this whole thing now," She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

I gulped pondering on her words, "I just thought this project would profit our company and get it to the next level. I wanted us to give a brighter future."

"I think she would accept you even if you didn't have those extra millions and led a middle class life. If she wanted the money, she would've trapped some other dude by now after your initial treatment of her."

She was right again.

What was I doing? What was I thinking? Why was I doing? For the company? It had already made me rich enough, what else do I wanted or needed besides Allison now? Nothing. I would definitely not have to worry about my wealth because for my age, it was more than enough.

I couldn't destroy Allison and Cecelia's lives. I couldn't be that selfish.

"As I said Jared Grey, five years ago Allison Marshall made a mistake due to her insecurities and I blamed her. You are making the same mistake now by butchering the one chance at happiness and I am blaming you. Just because you are my brother, I won't support you this time. Clean your mess," She paused.

I gulped, feeling like a fucking pansy as tears formed slowly as I wiped them off before Hailey could see.

"Alli did something which you didn't forgive her for but I had gone to meet her one day at a café to talk to her and invite her for my wedding. Her eyes spoke the truth."

I remembered Hailey coming once and telling me not to go to London and think over my decision. She told me what Allison and her spoke about but I had brushed it away because I was so damn angry at her at that time.

"She loved you then. She loves you now. She was suffering and I know you were too. I couldn't do anything because you were so stubborn! That girl had her wrongdoings but she has repented for it and more than had her share of punishment. Don't hold grudges, Jared. It won't ever get you anywhere besides a messed up mental state. You've got a chance to be with her once again. Not everyone gets it."

She loved me. I loved her. Hailey was right. Nothing else mattered right now. I have had my grudges. I gave her the harshest punishment I could. It gave me nothing but anger with myself. I hadn't been happy truly since high school till Allison came back and she was working for me.

Damn it, I had been so happy since the last three months without realizing it.

"Fuck. You are right, Hails. I am such a douchebag. I don't know why I accepted that deal. I am such an idiot," I got up, smacking my forehead.

How stupid could I be? What was I thinking when I signed the deal? I had enough money to give Allison and I a prosperous life. I didn't need or want more money.

I just wanted to be with Allison.

"I will talk to Mr. Schoff and Cecelia tomorrow first thing in the morning," I said suddenly.

"I am clearing all confusion from mine and Alli's lives once and for all. This time, I am fighting for her. I love her and I am making things right. I am gonna do it," I grinned slowly and hugged Hailey.

"Thank you. Thank you sis. You are the best. I love you," I said, moving forward and hugging her tightly.

"Well, I don't love you at the moment but if you bring back Allison, I might love you back," She narrowed her eyes.

"Will do," I kissed her cheeks, "Will do."

I went out.

Tomorrow everything was gonna change.

I would make it happen. It was high time I took the initiative to make Allison forgive me and be mine.

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