Challenge (House_Owner X Reader)

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(Y/n) = your name
Backstory: you and Ross have been dating for over 4 years. You both work at Sky Media, but you usually only edit and occasionally turn up in videos.
Let's get started!

*Ross PoV*

It's been over 4 years since (Y/n) and I started dating. We knew almost everything about each other. I wanted to purpose, but in a special way.

"Hey, Adam, can I ask you somethig?" I asked as I opened his door. We had just finished recirding a video.

"Yeah, what's up Ross?" I waked in and closed the door. I turned on the recording light and he gave me a concerned and confused look.

"I want to purpose to (Y/n), but I want to do something special. I was wondering if we could schedule a challenge for next week." I told him.

"That's great Ross!" He clapped my shoulder, "but why ask about a challenge?"

"I was thinking that (Y/n) and I could do a movie quotes challenge in which you guess which movie a quote comes from. I would 'pop the question' as my last quote." I explained.

"Dude, that is really creative. Ask (Y/n) about it, obviously leaving out the last part." He smiled.

*Time skip brought to you by: PoV switch to second person*

Everyone was in the challenge area, waiting for the "challenge" to start. Everyone knew Ross's plan besides you.

"Do the intro when you're ready, Ross." Cory told him. Ross nodded before looking at the camera.

"Hey guys, Ross here, I'm here with the lovely (Y/n) and today we are doing the movie quote challenge. The concept of this is pretty simple; we each have eight movie quotes and we have to guess which movie each quote is from. You go first, (Y/n)."

"Okay Ross, your forst quote; 'enough is enough! I've had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!' Can you guess?"

"That's easy, Snakes on a Plane. My quote for you is 'I love lamp'." Ross smirked.

"Are you sure that's not a quote from you? Uhh... Bridesmaid?" You guessed. You knew no one said that in the movie.

"Nope, its from Anchorman: the Legend of Ron Burgundy. Haven't we watched that at some point?" Ross laughed. You remembered that you watched that movie last week when you were having a movie night with Ross, Tim-Tim and Max.

It went on like this. Back and fourth, guessing movie quotes. You got to your last quote and felt quite nervous, you were loosing and the loser had to shock themself. "My last quote 'does it look like I give a damn?' See if you know."

"Casino Royale. It's a James Bond movie." Ross had won. There was no going back.

"Just give me the last quote so I can put off shocking myself." You sighed.

"Will you marry me?" Ross asked. You thought it was his last quote. Everyone around the room looked excited, but you didn't notice it.

"Ross, that is almost any romcom that exists. At least I gave you a chance with my quotes." You thought about a movie. "I'm gonna guess Bridesmaid again."

"Probably, but will you?" He asked.

"Will I what?" You were confused. You noticed Adam face palm and Max hold back a laugh.

"Marry me?" He got up and walked over to you with a small box.

"Oh my god! Of course!" You hugged Ross tightly and kissed him.

"We're still recording!" Tim called jokingly.

"Wait, is this actually going up on Office Antics?" You asked.

"Yeah, just a little surprise ending though." Ross laughed.

"I like this surprise!" You smiled happily as you hugged Ross again.

"That you all so much for supporting everything that we do. Me and this Rossome guy will see you all around!" You signed off as you waved to the camera. Cory stopped recording and you jumped excitedly.

Everyone congratulated you both on the engagement. All in all, it was a good day.

I know that its probably Saturday by the time I upload this (12:17am) but I was being social for once and I had a great time.

Leave some suggestions on the request page. Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful life. I'll see you all in the next part! ~Sappy~

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