"It's beautiful," Eragon and Gwen said, practically in unison.

Once the elves' finished raining their praises upon the dragon, Eragon placed Gwen upon the podium. He recited a spell that allowed her voice to project throughout the crowd before sitting back down. Walking up to the edge of the podium, Gwen said, "I have thought long and hard about what I wanted to present here tonight and finally decided upon this song that I wrote only a few weeks ago."

She was silent for a moment to calm her nerves and to prepare herself for the song. When she opened her lips again, a beautiful song enveloped the area, her voice sending chills down Eragon's spine.

I had no idea she could sing. He said to Saphira, who had her eyes closed to better focus on the lyrics.

Everything has a beginning

Everything comes to an end

Take it or leave it, you better believe it

Be my lover, be my friend

Try to deny what you're feeling

And you know that you're heart will say no

Love will last longer, growing stronger and stronger

If you stay and don't let go

Oh, out of the light, like a star, like a hero

Love will survive

Oh, taking a fight is a life of a hero

Staying alive

This is a story of love and compassion

Only heroes can tell

Oh, out of the light, like a star, like a hero

Love will survive

Heaven and earth keep colliding

But we love on a world of its own

Oh, there you can fake it, just make it or break it

Only you can find the one

Oh, out of the light, like a star, like a hero

Love will survive

Oh, taking a fight is a life of a hero

Staying alive

This is a story of love and compassion

Only heroes can tell

Oh, out of the light, like a star, like a hero

Love will survive

Oh, survive

Heroes can live on their own

But heroes never die alone

Out of the light, like a star, like a hero

Love will survive

Oh, taking a fight is a life of a hero

Staying alive

This is a story of love and compassion

Only heroes can tell

Oh, out of the light, like a star, like a hero

Love will survive

Thunderous applause filled the clearing once the last note ended. Gwen bowed before her audience, pleased with her performance. Eragon remained speechless as he picked her up from the podium.

That was a wonderful performance, Gwen, Saphira said. We had no idea you had such a beautiful singing voice or that you wrote lyrics in your spare time. Why have you never mentioned this talent to us?

"I usually feel that most of my work is incomplete and I am very self-conscious of my work. It began through journal writing and I found out that most of my writing began to flow like a poem. The next step was to add a tune to my poems. I never felt the need to expose my talent because I never thought I would perform in front of anyone.

"When I found out about this celebration, I figured that I might as well sing one of my songs." Feeling suddenly sheepish, she decided not to mention that "Hero" was in-part written about Eragon and her.

Their attention was brought back to the front when two elf maidens, who looked identical except for their hair color, stood with their backs together. Leaning over, Arya whispered, "Pay attention for this is of great importance to your heritage to the Rider's, Eragon."

The two women raised their hands in unison to unclasp the brooches at their throats, rendering them completely naked. Tattooed on their skin was a dragon, every scale a different color. Gwen, unaccustomed to nudity in public, wanted to shy away, embarrassed, but their performance kept her eyes locked on the women.

Once more in unison, the women lifted up a bare foot and brought it down upon the ground with a thump. They did that two more times before the musicians began to play the drums, then the harp on the fourth thump, followed by the flutists.

Starting out slow, the women began to dance, gaining speed as they progressed through the song. The dragon began to look alive the faster they danced. Soon, the women added their voices to the music, their lyrics casting a powerful spell. The elves around Eragon began to articulate the song, Eragon joining in seconds later. He did not know the song at all, but a sudden compulsion made him want to join in. Next to him, he heard Gwen's voice as well.

The dragon tattoo no longer looked alive—it came alive. The louder they sang and faster the women danced, the dragon blinked and opened its jaws, a flame erupting. With a lunge, the dragon pulled himself free from the women's skin and hovered in the air above them. Only his tail was linked to the women below.

His roar was loud and raw, a fierce sound that scared the beasts of the forest. The dragon cast his eyes upon Eragon, and in that moment, Eragon realized that the dragon was more than just an apparition—it was a conscious being. The dragon flew towards Eragon, who instinctively raised his right hand, his palm facing out.

A tingling sensation filled Eragon when he heard the dragon's voice, Our gift to you so you may do what you must.Arching his neck, the dragon touched the gedwëy ignasia.


Disclaimer: The song used in this chapter belongs to Charlotte Perelli and is called "Hero".

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