Chapter 7

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Eragon was quite pleased with his room. It was vast enough for both him and his dragon to stay in and he was honored to be there. He thought about the past Rider's and wondered what other famous Rider's had stayed in the room. He put away his belongings and then sat upon the large, fluffy bed. Saphira was happy about her bedding as well. This is fantastic! We shall be very comfortable here, she hummed.

Eragon agreed but he wondered about Gwen. "How do you think they are accommodating her?"

I am sure she will be well taken care of. She is one of their most valuable allies.

"You are right." He nodded. "If only Murtagh was not so stubborn."

He made his decision, you know that. You will do well to remember that.

Eragon and Saphira spent some time talking and exploring the room while they waited for further instruction. Both wanted to see the city, but without a guide, they would become utterly lost. Soon, a dwarf entered.

"Hello, who are you?" Eragon asked, politely.

"I am Orik. Please come with me, Ajihad wants to see you." Eragon and Saphira obliged, following the dwarf through twisting tunnels and stairs for a long time until they came to a door. They entered a great hall where Ajihad was sitting at the far end surrounded by soldiers. The dwarf then made his leave.

After some brief introductions, the leader delved into more important topics. He was glad that the Rider liked his room and promised that he would have someone show him around the city. Ajihad then asked Eragon about his journey to the Varden. "I am most curious about the details of your trip."

"My story is very long, are you sure you would like to hear it now?" Eragon said.

When Ajihad nodded, Eragon began. With Saphira's help, he managed to recall his tale. After at least two hours, Eragon finished, his stomach rumbling with hunger. Ajihad noticed their discomfort and dismissed them. They were led to the kitchen where a meal had been prepared for them. "Normally we would have a grand feast, but now is not the time for such festivities. I hope this meal will suffice."

Eragon smiled, just glad to see food in general. "This will do quite well. Thank you." With a bow, the man left. The days that followed the first were just as good. He learned that Gwen had been staying with Ajihad's daughter Nasuada. Eragon met the woman when she came to give him a message from her father. Eragon had also met King Hrothgar, the king of the dwarves. A woman named Trianna offered him a position in the magic group, the Du Vrangr Gata, or "The Wandering Path." He had declined, making the woman mad, but he really had no interest in the group, especially a group in which the Twins were a part of.

Orik had showed him around the city the day after he had arrived, so he was now able to explore on his own once he knew where he was going. His exploration led him to have a visit with an old friend. He had come across a shop that looked familiar and headed inside. He did not see much and was about to leave when a voice behind him gave him a fright. It was Angela, the herbalist he had met in Teirm. Solembum was at her heels staring up at him. They shared an interesting conversation before she shooed him away.

That evening, as he was heading back to the dragon hold, he saw a stand selling nuts. He became curious and walked up to the stand to take a closer look. He saw a basket full of walnuts and decided to buy some as an idea entered his head. He paid the woman behind the counter and hurried to him room.

News of war spread quickly through the Varden. Urgals have been spotted in the tunnels leading to the city. Men were busy preparing for battle as women and children were evacuating to a safer area within the mountains. Eragon was given a few minutes alone with Gwen before he had to get ready. They were in Nasuada's chambers sitting on the floor.

"I have something for you," Eragon said, placing his hand in his pocket.

Gwen cocked her head wondering what he could possibly give her. He pulled out a walnut and set it down before her. "'s a walnut."

"This is no ordinary walnut." He opened it up and inside the shell there was a lovely soft bed. "Oh my, Eragon, it''s wonderful. Thank you."

"I am glad that you like it." Eragon beamed. "I went through as least ten walnuts." They laughed enjoying their meager time together.

"I like it a lot, but why did you make this for me?"

Eragon gave her a look that suggested that her words hurt him. "I had hoped that my intentions were obvious."

Gwen caught his meaning and felt bad. "I am sorry. I know you like me very much, but you must understand that we can never be."

"Why not? I love you Gwen and I want to be with you."

Gwen sighed. "I am extremely tiny. We would never be able to be like other couples. We cannot hold hands, embrace, or even kiss. It is folly to pursue me, Eragon."

"I do not care. I love you and nothing will ever change that."

"None of us know the future. You may very well meet another woman."

"Or, we may discover a way to make you big once more." Eragon retorted.

"One can only dream." She sat down and placed her head in her hands.

"Dreaming is better than nothing." He said, to cheer her up. "You know, I could very well be killed in the upcoming battle..."

Gwen shot her head up. "Do not speak of such things!"

Eragon chuckled. "Fine, only if you agree to at least think about us being together."

Gwen agreed. A few minutes later, Nasuada's servant came to take Gwen while he went off to put on his armor.

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