My Sword is my Life. (Naruto fanfic)

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The young girl giggled as she finished creating her sword. In her clan, you would make your sword at a young age and train with it from then. It's your life. It's the only sword you are to use when fighting.

The sword this girl had made was quite large but it wouldn't stay that way, she had secretly made it so that she could change the form by adding her chakra to it, that's why it was so special. She picked it up and ran her chakra through it, the sword started glowing and was then in the form of a small katana with a red handle.

"Are you coming to play?!" She heard her best friend, Ryo, yelled from outside her house. "Coming!" She yelled back and strapped the sword to her back. She was fairly short for her age but she didn't mind. She liked it that way. Her cuteness gave her an advantage against anyone.

"Alright, we're going to be playing hide and seek in the forest!" Ryo cheered when they came to the edge of the village. "Are you sure, Ryo?" The little girl asked. He nodded. "I'll be it! You go run!" He said and turned around to start counting.

The little girl wove thought the trees effortlessly, she had done this before many times with her father, the clan leader. She was extremely advanced for her age. Not every five year old understood chakra and could manipulate it perfectly. You would usually get your sword at ten if you're lucky. This young girl had gotten hers today, her fifth birthday.

She pushed chakra into her feet and climbed high into a tree. She masked her chakra and waited. This is why she always wins hide and seek.

"Lord Orochimaru, when do we attack and get the girl?" A voice said from under the tree she was so far up in. She looked down and saw a boy with silver hair tied into a pony tail. He word circular glass and was kneeling down in front of a man.

She thinks it's a man, maybe a woman?

"Soon" it hissed. 'Yep, it's a man' the little girl thought.

She jumped down, doing a flip, and landed in between the stunned men.

"You look like a snake!" The little girl giggled, pointing at the pale man. He had purple marks around his eyes and wore strange clothing. "What are you wearing?" She asked and cocked her head to the side.

The man grinned and knelt down to her height. "What's your name, little girl?" He hissed. "My names Kendensetsu Mizuken. You sound like a snake too! What's your name?" She giggled. She liked the snake.

"Kendensetsu Mizuken? My name is Orochimaru. I was just looking for you" he was still hissing everything he said. "You were?" She was starting to get suspicious. "I was, I need you to come with me."

"But my daddy is expecting me home soon!" She said. This man was starting to scare Mizuken. "Your daddy was the one that told me to take you with me, he wants you to be strong!" Orochimaru lied to the young girl. She's the legendary swordstress. "Daddy said that?"

"Yes, little one, he did. Now come. We have much to do." He held out his pale hand for the little girl to take, that's exactly what she did. "Lord Orochimaru, what about the expere-" "send them in. Kill everyone." Orochimaru ordered, cutting him off.

"Who?" Mizuken asked, not understanding what he meant.

"Nothing, little one. Just some bad men. Wouldn't want them coming to get you, would we?" He smirked.

"Oh. Well you better get them all then!" She giggled and started skipping, still holding onto the strange snakes hand.

This mad the snake smirk again. He was already starting to like this girl.

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