Chapter 4: Date Night

Start from the beginning

The rest of the walk was silent. We arrive in the front of the building.

"Well this is me."

"Good Luck on your date Lauser."

"Thanks, China Jane."

She starts to laugh and I hear footsteps as I make my way to my apartment.

(Skip to the date)

    Chris picks me up and we head to Dinah's place. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing. I'm beyond nervous.

"Hey Big Sis?"

"Yeah, Chris?" I ask wondering why he broke the silence.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Hey can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

I begin "When the date is over can you tell me how beautiful she is and every facial expression she does today?"

I hear his laughter "Yeah Big Sis I got your back."

A big smile appears on my face. "Thanks Little Bro."

The rest of the ride is silent. Minutes later I feel the car stop. Chris opens the door and guides me outside. I put my hand on his forearm like I do with Mani. I wait for him to respond to the code, he does and I smile.

"Camila." I say smiling.


"What are you wearing?" I ask her

"A black jumpsuit, I have my hair down." She informs me.

"Any jewelry?"

"A couple rings and a bracelet." She says firmly

"I bet you look beautiful Camz." I say with a smile. 

"Thank you, but you are perfect. I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

I smile and feel my cheeks heat up.

"No because even though I can't see you, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever known." I feel her take my hand.

"Ready for our date?" She ask

I intertwine our hands as we walk back to the car.

"Camz this is my brother Chris, Chris this is Camila." I say.

"Nice to meet you Chris."

"Nice to meet you Camila." He says back.

Camila and I are in the backseat cuddled up. 

"So where are we going?"She asked.

"It's a surprise."

"I'm pouting right now. This is me being very sad." She says in a childish voice.

I reach to touch her lips with my fingertips.
"Wh-what are y-you doing?" Camila stutters nervously.

"Feeling your pout." I say like it's nothing.

"Why?" She says above a whisper.

"It's  my way of seeing you. Do you mind?" I question.

"No of course not. I think that's cute." She leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

  She snuggles up to me with our hands still intertwined together. The car ride is silent and quick. When we reach Romeo's Cafe I hear Camila gasp.

"How did you get a reservation?" She ask

"I know the owner." I smile.

Chris opens the door for us and I take out my symbol stick.

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