Sub-Chapter 11: Herschel of the Water Fog

Start from the beginning

She scratched her chin with a nod.

“Champion, Aye, most of you are dumb oafs, so it’s actually a surprise you are such a cerebral fighter,” She jabbed patting Damien on the back causing him to disappear.

“What are you doing?” Herschel fired angrily. “He’s mine.”

I stood confused trying to understand what his phrase was pertaining to. He walked toward her adamantly.

“What is he talking about?” I asked trying to get grasp on what was going on.

“Light Guard Law states that if a Rogue releases a beast in a battle with a prospect and is bested, the beast is forfeited to the attacked,” Pete explained like a professor. “Damien legally now belongs to Herschel.”

“Don’t quote Light Guard Law to me boy,” Hel fired snapping.

Herschel stood with a protesting demeanor as he continued.

“Will you release him or do I protest to a higher…”

“He’s yours!!!” she fired angrily. “And you’ll pay for taking one of my strongest subatomic beasts!”

BOOOM! BOOM! BOOOOOOOM! A fire erupted around her. It went off sending ripples through the water as lightning struck violently. The weather changed turning dark and tumultuous.

“It serves you right for playing with the kid,” Fenrir poked.

I was blown away. After everything Herschel showcased they still looked like adults watching kids play ninja at the park. It was unsettling. How powerful were these guys?

A piece of me shuttered on the inside, if just her anger could cause such a stir, I could only imagine what a concentrated effort would summon up.

Herschel readied himself as the rapid winds swirled around him.

BLAM! Before he could react Hel had landed a blow that nearly clearly his head off of his neck.

UMPF! Herschel couldn’t even clear the cob webs before he was struck again. She used speed that would have been hard for me to deal with, Herschel didn’t stand a chance.

BOOM! BAM! WHOOSH! She struck him two more times before he leaped backwards retreating to the best of his ability to buy some room but he could have went across the globe and it wouldn’t have been enough security.

UGH! He uttered dropping to one knee as pain shot through him.

He was outmatched and even I could see that it was going to be an uphill battle to get hit on this lady let alone win.

“Should I do something,” I replied feeling rage starting to build in my gut.

“No!” Jacob fired adamantly. “Tim, you can’t risk fighting all three of these guys at once.”

“Well, it looks like that’s going to happen regardless,” I fired.

“Trust me, it’ll be better fighting them one at a time then two on three,” he continued.

I nodded staring forward trusting Jacob’s advice but it didn’t look too good for Herschel.

WHIP! LASH! Herschel fired his whip. It wrapped around Hel’s arm like a garden hose. He pulled hard yanking her toward him.

BAM! He leveled her with a punch like she was a paddle ball.

BAM! WHAM! He continued to landed punch after well-timed punch.

I was surprised. The tide had turned in seconds; he seemed to have the upper hand as she landed apart from him hanging her head exhausted by his punches.

Timothy Eli and the Light Guard TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now