Giving In: Audrey + Dan

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“Danielllll!” I called, laying on the couch and reaching for the coffee table.

“What?” He said, sauntering into the living room, clad in his usual sweats and t-shirt, same as me, although! I had an Adventure Time shirt, which made me a million times cooler.

“I can’t reach the TV remote!” I pouted, the clicker about three inches from my fingertips, “Get it for me!”

He rolled his eyes and grabbed it, tossing it on my tummy, “Lazy…” He muttered, walking in to the kitchen.

“Owww…” I murmured, rubbing my tummy, “That hurt.” I picked up the remote and started channel surfing.

“Well, you deserved it!” He called to me, grabbing some chocolate Malteser’s from the cupboard and munching on them.

“Ack, whatever.” I yelled to him, sitting up. “Where’s is Phil?!” I asked loudly, he was supposed to be out getting us some lunch! We have no food and Tesco doesn’t deliver until tomorrow.

“I don’t know,” Dan said, coming over to the couch and plopping down next to me.

“Awesome.” I muttered, resting my head against the back of the couch and looking at the ceiling.

“He won’t answer his phone, either.” He offered the chocolates to me and I held out my hand. He dumped a few in my hand and I popped them in my mouth.

“Well then what are we supposed to do until he gets back?” I looked at him pointedly. The only reason why we sent Phil was because Dan was too lazy to go. And I wasn’t going to go. So. Yeah. Phil was nominated.

What? Don’t look at me like that. It’s cold outside! It’s almost Christmas [Much to Phil’s delight]!

“I know what we can do.” Dan said in a low voice, wagging his eyebrows at me.

“Don’t be such a man.” I rolled my eyes, though inside my stomach was flipping around.

I really liked him, but I didn’t want to ruin what we had between us. I mean, I’ve always had guy friends, all my life. Girls are just too complex and… Ack. Every time a guy wanted to date me, we try it for a couple days, and it would just be stiff and miserable, then afterwards, I’d have lost a friend. I live with Dan and Phil. I love them to death. I just don’t know if I’m willing to risk our friendship just to try something out.

“Fine.” He said, trying to be as nonchalant as me. We sat in silence for a couple beats until He popped up, “Then I’m going to play Guitar Hero.”

I rolled my eyes again, knowing that I’d have to relinquish power over the TV to let him play. I already had all of the Adventure Time episodes set to record, so I had no good arguments against it.

“Fine.” Stuck my tongue out at him, tossing the remote to him. Within a few short moments he had a guitar strap around his shoulders and was hitting keys furiously, his eyes trained to the TV. I laid back down on the couch and watched him, increasingly getting bored every song.

“Daaaaan!” I finally yelled, making him jump and accidently activate his star power.

“What?!” He snapped, starting to really mess up.

“Let’s do something exciting!”

He paused the game and looked at me, a spark in his eyes, “Want to film a video?”

I looked back at him, skeptical, “What kind of video?”

“Uh… Truth or Dare?” He asked, though I knew that was a cover up. I decided mentally whether or not to trust him before nodding.

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