Our Day: Dani + Phil

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I ran through the woods that remained behind my house, rain mixing with the tears that streamed down my face.

“No, no, no, no.” I shook my head and ducked under a branch, my blonde hair blowing into my face. I jumped over a rock, ignoring his calls. This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening. He can’t leave. He can’t. My satchel caught on a branch and I swore, tugging it free. I heard a rip and let out a sob as my sketch pad fell into the dirt, getting soaked.

“Damnit.” I picked it up and tried shaking it off before clutching it to my chest and continuing my hike through the woods, needing to get away. This is too much. I can’t handle this.

I finally made it to the spot. Our spot.

I smiled up at our tree house, tossing my bag up before climbing up the rope ladder, my sketchbook firmly between my teeth. I pulled myself under the small roof and sat in a beanbag, dragging my bag with me. I took deep breaths and pulled my knees up to my chest, heart aching. He can’t leave. Not like this. I heard some footsteps underneath me and inwardly groaned. Why does he have to come? Why can’t he just leave me alone?

“Dani?” I heard his voice call up.

“Go away, Phil.” I hollered, not wanting to talk to him.

“Can I come up?” He asked, ignoring my previous statement.

“No.” I snapped, leaning over to turn on a battery powered lamp. I opened my sketchbook and tried wiping some dirt off of the pages, wincing at the smeared graphite and charcoal. I heard the ladder creak and let out a soft sob, fresh tears falling from my eyes.

Why can’t he just let me be for a while? But then I shook my head at myself, he is. 

“Dani?” He asked as he crawled next to me. I looked away from his stunning blue eyes and stared down at my book, only to be met with his portrait, almost identical. I ran my finger along the dark charcoal of his hair and blended it out a bit, trying to stay calm. “Look at me.” I clamped my eyes shut. I don’t want to. I can’t. My throat closed up as his hand moved under my chin, forcing me to face him. “Open your eyes.” I slowly did so and regretted it when I saw Phil’s flawless face looking back at me. I pulled away from him but he grabbed my arms and pulled me back, wrapping his arms around me. I shook my head and pressed my face into his chest.

“Why do you have to go?” I asked, hugging him tightly. He told me right when I woke up—for reasons unknown. Now it can mess up the rest of the day.

“We both knew this was going to happen sometime.” He whispered, slightly rocking back and forth. I shook my head, but so soon? I’d just gotten to know him, to love him. I scolded myself, it’s no use torturing yourself like that, you know he doesn’t love you in the same way.

“But it feels like you just got here.” I mumbled, wishing I could stay in his arms forever. The fact that he’s even here, in Alabama, is a fluke. He managed to board the wrong flight after VidCon and didn’t even realize it until I caught him wandering down the side of a road, looking like a lost puppy. I asked him if he needed a ride, turned out what he needed more was a place to stay, so I obliged. Our relationship grew quickly after that and we kept postponing getting him his ticket home. But now it was happening. He was leaving tomorrow morning after only a couple short months.

“I know, I know.” He muttered sadly, “But we can still be friends, right? It’s not like I’m getting sucked into a weird alternate universe!” I let out a bitter laugh, sure, leave it to Phil to crack a joke. “Hey,” He whispered, pulling back and cupping my face, “I’m just trying to make you feel better.” I nodded sadly,

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