Superhero: Hannah + Pj

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“You know you don’t have to be here every night.” I grinned, taking a beer out and giving it to a gentleman sitting next to Pj.

“Well…” He said, shrugging his shoulders, “I have to make sure none of these guys cross the line…” He looked around the bar pointedly.

After me and Pj first met a couple months ago we went a few dates and I don’t know… just clicked. It was almost unreal how much we connect. I know every couple seems to say that… but it felt awfully real. Like there was no way we’d be with someone else.

His gaze stopped at the bald man who sat in the back, eyes always on me. He’s been here for months and I know that he’s the real reason why Pj’s sticks around here. There’s something… off… about him. I can’t quite place it…

“Oh, and I’m sure it’s not just for the show at the top of the hour.” I grinned, handing him a lime soda.

“Nah, you’re the only girl I like to look at.” He said nonchalantly, waving his hand in dismissal.

“I bet you’re a bit upset that I’m not in it.” I teased, giving him a wink and moving to the other side of the bar to get a bottle of whiskey.

All of the female workers put on a little ‘show’ every hour to keep the men here, buying drinks. Pretty much a genius idea—though I refused to take part in it.

“Oh no,” Pj said, looking at me like I was insane, “Have all of these men look at you? No. I like you right there, on the other side of the bar.” He tapped on the counter.

Which I agree with. I like being back here. I mean, I have the worst clausterphobia ever. But I like having my own space and being able to keep everyone out. This is my space, and I can keep it organized how I like it, and no one is here to mess it up. I have going around the tables, being all over me and crowding around me. I like my space, I like my organization.

I laughed, propping my elbows on the surface and smiling at him, “You should go out, Peej. What about your friends? You’re here nearly every night.”

I realize that a lot of girls would be a little upset if their boyfriend went with them to work, you know, it is a bit clingy. But he’s not rude in any way. If a guy uses a pick-up line on me, or winks at me, he doesn’t flip out. He may send a glare their way, but he isn’t so protective to a point to where it gets obnoxious, but he makes me feel safe. I know that he would go out of my way to make sure I don’t get hurt and that is a comforting thing, but he also is able to do that without invading my privacy, which I love.

“Well, Dan and Phil are busy with their girlfriends…”

“What about Chris?” I cut in, giving him a reassuring nod, “C’mon, Pj, when was the last time you two just had a night out?”

“A while…”

“Yes! So make plans with him… and then go and have fun! I’ll hold down the fort here. One night.” I leaned forward, my nose inches from his, “Onnne night.” I sang in a soft voice.

He was obviously distracted, staring from my eyes to my lips. He leaned forward to close the gap, but I leaned back, “Tut, tut. One night?” I grinned, quirking an eyebrow.

“Yes, fine.” He sighed, looking a little impatient, “Can you just kiss me already?”

I giggled and leaned forward, giving him a half-assed peck on the lips before snapping back with a smirk, taking a beer and passing it to an old man on his left.

“Tease…” He muttered, though there was amusement in his eyes as he watched me flit back and forth across the bar.

Eventually the night was over and I left with a quick wave to Geoff, Pj’s arm around my waist. I wrapped my arm around his also and we walked through the dark London streets together, my heel’s clicking loudly against the pavement.

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