Chapter Nineteen

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Silence filled the room. All Oliver could hear was his own breathing while Cassy and Susanna were completely still. He swallowed, finding the silence very uncomfortable. Susanna slowly walked around the table and took a seat across from Cassy. Her aqua eyes looked up at Oliver. They looked exactly like Cassy's.

"So... You're one of Cassy's little boy toys I presume." she said, picking a bright red apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table. Oliver glanced at Cassy then back to Susanna.

"I presume so as well." he said, Susanna biting into the apple. She laughed quietly, swallowing the bite. She looked down at Cassy.

"Not even a hello or an introduction on who this young man is?" Susanna asked. Cassy looked up at her.

"His name is Oliver." she said sternly. "Now I must ask you to leave mother." she added, not changing her tone. Susanna laughed, setting the apple down on the table.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." she leaned onto the table and folded her hands on the table. "I accepted the contract to kill you. And kill you I must do."

"Who hired you?" she asked quickly.

"That I cannot reveal." she said just as quickly. She sighed, hanging her head. She looked up at Cassy. "Scis te amo Casanova. Nonne tibi?" she asked in Latin. You know I love you Casanova. Don't you? Cassy scoffed.

"Immo etiam, vos semper dilexi Corra magis." she snarled. Yes well, you have always loved Corra more.  Susanna sighed as Oliver looked back and forth between the two. He had no idea what they were saying, he just looked at them confused.

"Corralana non stupri pycopath quod cruciati et occidit fun!" she shouted, standing up quickly while pounding her fist into the table, leaving a dent in the wood. Corralana was not a fucking psychopath that killed and tortured for fun! Cassy chuckled.

"Facitis." she answered quietly, it meaning, 'You do'. Susanna bit her bottom lip and sat down, rubbing her fist.

"No. I'm different from you." Susanna whispered. Cassy chuckled evilly. Oliver stepped back, eyeing Cassy. HE had never heard her do that but it didn't frighten him as much as he thought it should have.

"Pecunia, et occidas voluptatem. Yes." she said in Latin. You kill for money and pleasure. Yes. She paused, staring at her mother with red eyes. "You are exactly like me." she added in English.

Under a second, Susanna stood behind Cassy, arm wrapped around her throat. Oliver Stepped back against the wall as Cassy quickly switched positions with Susanna. It didn't last long. Susanna threw Cassy to the floor and put one hand on her throat as her eyes turned red and her fangs popped out. Cassy clutched Susanna's wrist as she snarled at her, making a frightening noise Oliver never heard before, other than from a wild animal. Again, he didn't feel as frightened as he probably should have. Nothing she could do frighten him, he thought. Yet, Susanna scared him so very much. So did Margret. Yet, they were all equal monsters and he feared Cassy least.

"You're right." Susanna growled. "Corralana is my favorite. And will always be." She added through her teeth. Anger grew in Cassy's eyes, but they quickly changed to pure black as she smiled.

"Oh Corra. So nice of you to join us." Oliver looked to the side and saw a girl who looked exactly like Cassy, only, there was something different about her. Oliver looked into her black eyes and didn't see what he saw in Cassy's eyes. Anger and thirst. He looked back down at Cassy and saw that Cassy was holding Susanna up against the wall.

"Coming was a mistake." Corra said quickly.

"No it wasn't dear sister." Cassy responded. Within a second, she had Susanna on her knees, unable to move. She looked up, continuing to smile, at Corra. "Help me end dear mother's life Corralana." Oliver looked up at Corra. She stood frozen, mentally questioningg what she should do.

"I have more control than you sister." she answered quietly. Cassy chuckled.

"Trust me. Killing her will make you feel much better." she promised. Corra stepped forward and looked down at her mother. She kneeled as Susanna's eyes returned to aqua and her fangs disappeared. Corra placed one hand on Susanna's face, but quickly retracted it and looked up at Cassy for a moment. Corra returned her gaze to Susanna.

"Birthing the two of you was the worst mistake of my life." she spat. Corra placed one hand in Susanna's mouth facing down as Cassy placed her own hand in Susanna's mouth facing upward. Together, they pulled, making her cheeks begin to rip as she screamed. Oliver blinked and half of Susanna's head laid on the table, dripping blood. Her blood covered Corra's and Cassy's hands. Their eyes turned back to the aqua color and their fangs disappeared.

"Oh....No......" Corra squeaked, falling back against the wall. Cassy rolled her eyes, stepping over her mother's dead body. She licked her fingers.

"Stop being such a baby Corralana." Cassy smiled at Oliver and kissed him. His eyes continued to stare at Corra as she began spasming.

But a high pitch scream turned all their heads to the doorrway where Oliver's mom stood, staring at the bloody mess in her dining room.

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