Chapter Eighteen

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Holding his head, Oliver sat up. It felt like there was a huge needle sticking through his forehead, through his brain, while lemon juice was in his eyes and and one of those monkeys that had the little cymbols in their hands were playing in his eyes. Then, his body. For some strainge reason his body ached with pain he's never felt before. He laid back and just prayed he'd die right there. He coughed, making his lungs gasp for breathe and the back of his throat burn. HE closed his eyes then opened them moments later to see Cassy standing over him with a worried expression.

"I can give you some medicene but that'l take a while to heal you up." Cassy offered. She kneeled beside the bed. "Or I can give you my blood." Just the thought made Oliver feel nausous, but he nodded. HE couldn't refuse anything from her. She quickly bit her wrist and held it to his mouth. He closed his eyes and allowed the blood to slip through his mouth and down his burning throat, instantly, the burning gone. The sweet taste made his eyes feel better, his head stop hurting and his body stopped aching. His lungs filled with air and the monkeys went away. She pulled away and he felt all better. He opened his eyes and smiled, sitting up. She smiled back.

"Well I feel amazing." he whispered, kissing her. She smiled, grabbing his hand.

"Come down stairs." She whispered back, pulling him out of bed. He was wearing nothing but his white boxers. She dragged him down stairs as fast as humanly possible. They entered the dining room where the table was set, no food, just silverware, plates and cups for two. She pushed him and made him sit at one of the spots. "You sit here and I'll go get the food." She said, kissing his cheek. HE leaned back in the chair and stared down at the plate as she left the room. She returned, carrying five plates. She placed them on the table then piled a couple pancakes, sunny side up eggs and some hash onto his plate before sitting beside him.

"Dig in." she smiled. Oliver smiled back, picking up a knife and fork. HE cut into the pancake and was just about to eat the piece on his fork but they heard the front door creak open. Oliver looked up to see his a woman standing in the doorway while Cassy stared down at the table. Oliver stood.

"Who are you?" Oliver asked. The woman smiled, looking towards Cassy. She was still staring straight down at the table, not bothering to aknowledge her presence. 

"Well Casanova knows who I am....And she knows why I'm here." she continued. She walked up behind Cassy. 

"Mother." she said quietly. Oliver looked back and forth between Cassy and Susanna. CAssy looked up to Oliver. "she's here to kill me."


Desra sat at the desk, doodling on the pad of paper in front of her. The phone on the corner of the desk began ringing. She hovered her hand over it, hesitating, then picked it up.

"Hello?" she answered.

"I know what you're doing Desra." the girl on the other line spat. Smiling, Desra leaned back.

"Then please, explain to me. Because I have no idea." The girl scoffed.

"You send mother off to kill her and you know she's much older, much, much older than the both of us but we can easily kill her together."  Desra Propped her feet up on the desk.

"Oh, sweet Corra..." she whispered.

"You just want the two of us together so you can easily off the both of us." she snarled. "Well it won't be at all easy. You know what we can do alone, but you have never seen what we can do together!" Corra shouted into the phone.  "And you never will because I wouldn't be caught in Moonlight ever in a thousand years!" Before Desra could say anything, the line went dead. She chuckled, leaning back in her seat, setting the phone down on the desk.

"Oh I know you'll be out here in less than an hour to save your sweet, sweet sister." She whispered looking down at her drawing. It looked like two Cassy's, standing back to back, eyes pure black and fangs out.

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