Chapter Seven

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Thomas had paused before saying the word human. Cassy let out a sigh and glared at him for a few moments before hurrying over to Oliver and grabbed his wrist. She dragged him out of the room, past Thomas and down the hall.

"Doesn't matter how high up I am, they control what I do." Oliver heard her mutter. She paused outside a door for a second, it opening before she could open it herself. Inside stood a man that looked very alike to Thomas, could've evn been his twin, dressed in a black suit and tie. He looked at Oliver, then pushed both of them into the room and slammed the door behind them, a click echoing from him locking the door. In the middle of the room was a black couch and every wall was black. She led him to the couch and made him sit. She turned around at the wall and suddenly five black figures appeared on the screen.

"Hello Casanova." the middle figure spoke with a deep, harsh voice. She scowled.

"Please just tell me what I'm doing wrong? I mean you call me in here almost everyday and scold me for something stupid so please humor me." she spat. The figures on the screen, even though they were just black figures, Oliver could tell they were taken back by her outburst.

"Casanova, you know what you did wrong." the middle figure spoke again. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"All I did was defend myself and this human from Vince so you might want to talk to him." With that, the screen turned off and Oliver realised that she was holding a remote in her hands. She tossed it on the couch and led him towards the door. She opned it but the second one that looked like Thomas was blocking their way. "Move. Gerald." she scowled, baring her teeth. After a few moments of them staring, Gerald eventually stepped away. Oliver followed her up to her room where she tapped the wall and a closet he didn't even notice popped open. "Now they are not going to be happy." she muttered to herself, pulling out a teal green tee and a pair or black skinny jeans.

She pealed off her pea coat then the red stained white tee off, showing her black bra underneath. Oliver couldn't help but stare. Cassy took off her bra, with her back to him, and replaced it with a red one then pulled the teal tee over her torso. She tossed the jeans she had on in a pile with the rest of her clothes and replaced them with the new black skinny jeans then slipped into some black high heels. When she was done, she turned towards Oliver who felt his face turn red. He had been staring the whole time.

"What?" she asked. Her hair had returned to being black, but he hadn't noticed until now.

"N-nothing." he stuttered. She smiled, reading his mind. she nodded in agreement then grabbed a black leather jacket out of the closet and tapped the same spot of the wall, making it close. She led him out and towards the stairs but they stopped when they saw the six large men guarding the exit, along with a girl, around Cassy' height, the same black hair and the same aqua blue eyes.

"Get the fuck out of here Des." Cassy snarled. She pushed Oliver behind her. The girl laughed.

"Sorry buttercup." her voice. Oliver recongized it as the girl who pulled Cassy away from him during the king and queen dance. "Like I told you at your precious prom, you'll have to kill me to get rid of me." Cassy snarled.

"I have no problem with that." she took a step down the steps. Des's eyes went straight to Oliver.

"Who's the blood bag?" she asked as Cassy reached the middle of the stairs.

"Des. You touch him and I will end your life." she threatened. "You know that with one phone call-"

"With one phone call your whole world will crumble." she finished for her, mocking her voice. She rolled her eyes. "You use the same threat everytime. IT gets a little old when you can't live up to it." she crossed his arms. "Anyways, me and the council agree that you should stay inside." she bared her fangs.

"If you don't move your men this instant, these halls will run with blood." Des sighed.

"Yes, yours."

With the comment, two of the large men moved forward in inhuman speed, being a blur to Oliver, but to Cassy, they were moving slow. She dashed towards them in the same speed, but a little faster then them, being behind one of them in a moment. His head was ripped clean off his body then the other laid motionless on the floor. Cassy returned to the foot of the stairs. Des stared at her angryly and waved her hand, motioning two others. One dashed towards her and attempted to deliever a blow to her stomach but she easily deflected it and threw him up against a wall, making a large hole in the white plaster. The second dashed towards her while she was distracted and wrapped his arm around her neck, holding her tightly. She clawed at his arm then slid down, doing the splits. She swung her legs around, making him loose his balence then she slammed her heel into his right eye. Two guards were left. They barely moved when Cassy dashed around, their heads vanished from their bodys and she stood at the foot of the stairs, two heads in hand. Des had a mixture of horror and anger on her face.

"You are next Des."  she said in a hushed voice. IT was the same voice that she had spoken in when they were cuddling outside the school, Oliver realised. He stared in horror at the bloody floor, her not having a drop of blood anywhere on her except for her heel.

"Stop Casanova. You know you can't stop yourself when you get like this." Des glanced up at Oliver.

"Cassy." Oliver whispered, standing up. Cassy's head jerked around and she looked up at Oliver with a evil grin, her beautiful blue eyes replaced with black. She dashed up the stairs and stood inches away from Oliver, smiling that evil smile, staring at her with those black eyes. She reached up and touched his cheek. Her sweet touch was gone, it was still cold, but it didn't feel like before. "Cassy." he repeated.

"You smell so nice." she commented. She cringed, blinking, and her evil smile only faded for a moment. Sudden;y, she was thrown to the floor and Des stood in her place. Des looked at Oliver.

"Get out of here blood bag." she ordered. They both looked over at Cassy who was back on her feet. Des looked back to Oliver and bared her fangs. "Get the fuck out of her blood bag!" she yelled. Oliver took off and ran for the front door. He didn't stop running until he got to his bike then pedaled as fast as he could home.


Hey guys, sorry that it took so long but I've kinda been gone all this time. Anyways, vote up

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