Chapter Thirteen

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The body of Derreck Turner laid out on the cold metal examining table before Detective Scott Harrison. His hands were shoved into his pockets under his tan trench coat as his green eyes looked at the torn apart boy laying there. 

"What do you got doc?" he asked as Doctor John Marrow entered. John stepped up to Derreck and looked up at Scott.

"Well Detective, his neck was torn out, along with most of his vital organs and as you can see, his face is pretty clawed up." the doctor explained. Scott nodded, stepping forward. "I did find some fur, and that concluded my theory of a wild animal of some sort did this to h-"

"Well then, I guess that solves it. Pack him up so the family can have their funeral." Scot interrupted, turning around and heading towards the door. 

"Now hold on a minute..." John began, speed-walking after him. Scott turned around and looked down at John. "We did a DNA testing to see what kind of animal it is and you wouldn't believe what the results came back." He said. 

"Well, come on now, tell me what on earth did this." Scott said, motioning to Derreck. He rubbed his chin when John hesitated. 

"Something half human, half wolf."


Looking the small house up and down, he sighed and raised his hand ready to knock, but hesitated. It was a very small cabin, the wilderness growing onto it. The one window that was completely visible had a curtain covering it from the inside. Taking a breath, he knocked. Seconds later, the door opened and he was staring into the brown eyes of this short woman who was Jacob's aunt. He never would've guessed she was related to a tall family. Everyone was at least five foot seven while Jo was probably not even five feet tall. 

"Well it's about time you got here." She said, turning around, and walked into the house. He followed her. "I got the vision three days ago that you were going to come here aand it sure did take you long enough." She complained, sitting down in the wooden rocking chair next to the fire.

"Well Jacob just told me about you last night." He explained, slowly lowering himself into the chair across from Jo. 

"Yes, yes... I know." Oliver chuckled, thinking she was joking but stopped seeing her straight face. "So, any questions before we begin?" she asked. Oliver thought about what he saw when he took Jacobs hand.

"Yes." he said. "I have a kind of supernatural friend that I was hanging out with and...And we touched hands and I saw something. Something that hadn't happened between us." he explained. "Did I like see the future or something?" he asked, looking up into Jo's eyes. She nodded, inching forward.

"Few psychics are given the power to look into the future." She explained. "Now you, you're far different than any that I've ever met in all my years. Same with my own mentor. Other than me, I've never known any psychic that can look into the future. Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is bad..." She paused, wetting her lips. "What did you see?" she asked.

"In the vision, they...they kissed me and asked for an answer. I...I told them I liked someone else and then I pulled away and the vision ended." he said. She looked into the fire for a moment.

"You said your friend is supernatural as well..." she said. Oliver nodded. "Well, since you don't know how your friend reacts, and I'm sure that you can't guess correctly, tread carefully." she warned. "Depending on how powerful your friend is, and how explosive your friend is, they can easily join up on the other side." Oliver cocked his head and looked at her confused. 

"What do you mean the other side?" he asked. She looked towards him.

"There will always be two sides for the supernatural. The good side and the bad side. And there will always be that choice on which side you will join, if you choose to join the fight or if you are forced to choose." she explained. "Now, Oliver, are you going to choose a side?" she asked. He nodded. "Then here is the question of truth, which side are you going to choose?" she asked.

"Good." he answered. She smiled. 

"In my thirty years of being a mentor, I have trained plenty of psychics, and some werewolves and vampires as well, to control their thirst or control the beast and every single one of them have chosen that path. But I have watched as the werewolves turned to wild beasts, not caring who they harmed. Vampires, allowing their thirst to over power them and let themselves never starve again. And even psychics, the very few psychics, turn away from their morals, either droven by money or being forced by the supernatural, for they cannot be glamoured or compelled by vampires, to do so." she explained. Oliver gulped. "I also told every single one of them this same thing and still...nearly every single one of my proteges, except for a few have changed dispite my warning." she added. "Are you one of them?" He shook his head. 

"No." he answered, seeing her doubt. She stared at him for a moment before standing up and turning around. Oliver let out a deep breath, standing up. He looked down at his watch. It was only one in the afternoon. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

Meet me where we first met. Midnight.

The text was from an unknown number.


Here's chapter thirteen :) Hope you have enjoyed my story so far 

And please give a big warm welcome to Detective Scott.

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