Chapter Fifteen

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The sound of the doorbell woke Oliver. He looked down, feeling something ice cold snuggling his chest. He smiled, seeing sleeping Cassy. Oliver reached over and pushed her hair behind her ear, not helping feeling some what over joyed. He intertwined his hand with hers and she smiled in her sleep.

He looked up, hearing the doorbell again. He began to get up, but Cassy tightened her grip on his hand.

"No..." she quietly whined, snuggling closer to his chest. He kissed her forehead, the doorbell ringing.

"Just let me go see who it is." he whispered back, kissing her forehead. She opened her eyes as he stood and pulled on a pair of gray skinny jeans. He looked back at her annoyed expression. "I'll be right back." he promised, leaving the room. The bell rang one more time as he made his way down the stairs. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" he yelled, pausing to laugh a second before opening the door. 

"Hello. Are you Oliver Turner?" the man asked, flashing a badge. Oliver nodded. "I am detective Scott Harrison. Call me whatever you want." he smiled. The detective peered inside the house. "May I come in?" he asked. Oliver swallowed hard, nodding.

"Of course." he answered, moving out of the way for the detective. On the inside he was screaming at himself, calling himself an idiot. There was an officer of the law in the same house as a murderer. Scott stepped in and looked around.

"Is your mother home?" he asked.

"No detective." he answered. Scott looked to him for an explanation. "She is taking a couple days out of town to relax and clear her mind. You know... Because of what happened to-"

"No need." the detective interrupted. "I understand." He stepped into the living room. "Is there anyone else in the house?" he asked. He looked up the stairs and opened his mouth. Oliver stepped into the living room to see what he was gaping at.

"Yes detective." Cassy answered, standing in the middle of the staircase in notihng but a white robe. Some strange feeling washed over Oliver. He had never felt it before. He guessed it was jealousy and just pushed it away. 

"I'm guessing you're Cassy Entler." the detective said with a smile, looking back at Oliver. Oliver just smiled back as Scott made his way into the dining room. Cassy stepped beside Oliver.

"He's here to question about Derreck." Cassy whispered in his ear. "They found Margret's DNA on his body but they don't know who's it is...They  only know that it's a mixture of human and wolf." Oliver stared at her, mouth open.

"You can read thoughts?" he questioned. She smiled. Then Oliver remembered that she had already explained it.

"As easily as you can hear my voice." he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Yes, I heard everything you thought about me." she answered, kissing his cheek. She took his hand and led him to the dining room. Oliver felt himself smile silly, but he didn't care. The detective had already made himself comfortable at the table. Oliver sat across from him as Cassy opened the fridge.

"Thirsty, detective?" she asked, glaring at him as she pulled out a pitcher of lemonade. Scott shook his head. "Are you sure?" Oliver looked back at her. 

"I'm sure. Thank you though." Scott answered. He turned to Oliver. "I'm only here to ask about Derreck." Oliver nodded. "Now, we have reason to believe that he was murdered." Scott said as Cassy sat down with a tall glass filled to the rim with lemonade.

"What's your reason?" Oliver and Cassy said at the same time. Oliver looked at her as she sipped her lemonade. Scott hung his head for a moment then returned his gaze to Oliver.

"We found...." he paused. "Human DNA that we're still trying to match on his body." he paused again, sending a quick glare towards Cassy. She returned the glare as Scott looked to Oliver. "Would you mind if I searched his room?" he asked. A second later, Cassy stood behind him and she had snapped his neck. Oliver stood up quickly, staring mouth open at the dead body in his kitchen.

"What the fuck?" he screamed. Cassy rolled her eyes, pushing the body to the ground.

"Calm down. He'll walk up in a few hours." She chuckled, sitting down and propping her feet up on the table as she reached for her glass. "With a terrible headache." she added, sipping the drink. 

"What the hell?" he asked a little more quietly. She stood up. Seconds later, she stood behind him, hugging him. 

"Just calm yourself, dilectione mea" she whispered, kissing his cheek. She sat him down then plopped into his lap, kissing him. "I'm trying to save your friends ass." she whispered, smiling. 

"But...If he's just going to wake up in a few hours, does that make him whatever you are?" he asked. She shrugged, kissing him. 

"I suggest you don't worry about such things. Just relax. Go skate boarding with your lover boy." she laughed. His eyes widen. "Oh don't play stupid. Jacob likes you, and you think you might like Jacob." she paused then kissed him. "Just don't do anything without me." she giggled quietly. Within a blink, she was gone, and so was Scott. Oliver leaned back in the chair and held his head.

"I'm already tired of this supernatural shit." he muttered to himself.


"Bro. Get your head out of the clouds." Jacob playfully pushed Oliver. He looked up and smiled at his friend. Jacob grinned. "Oh I know what you did last night..." he laughed. Oliver felt his cheeks burn red.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, acting confused. Mental note, he thought to himself. Don't ever become and actor. I suck at it. Jacob laughed.

"YEah, yeah. You can act all stupid while truth is, I think you're in love." JAcob sneered, pushing him. "If you finally did it, you must be. Always going on 'bout first time being with 'The One'." he laughed. Oliver pushed him hard enough Jacob lost his balence and fell on his ass. 

"Oh shut up you. Not all of us can be studs like you." Oliver laughed, turning away. He watched the guy on the skate ramp fail and land on his knees. The boy snarl his way. 

"Think you can do better?" he snapped. Oliver grabbed his board nd headed his way. 

"Oh I know I can better." he said, poking the boys chest as he passed him. 

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