Chapter Eight

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Huffing, Oliver brought his bike to a slow as he got in front of his house. On the front porch sat Margret, blue hair up in a messy bun under a black beanie with loose strands falling into her brown eyes and Jake who looked like he was tired. Standing behind her was his mom and a policeman while another cop leaned on the hood of the police cruiser. He stopped at the end of his driveway and Margret and Jake jumped up and Margret ran to him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered, slowly pulling away. He looked up at his mom and the policeman then back at Margret then looked up at Jake who mouthed the same thing.

"What the hell?" He asked, climbing off his bike and throwing it onto the grass. His mom was in tears, blowing her nose with a wad of klenex's.

"Son could you please tell us where you've been for the past twenty-four hours." the cop that was next to the police car asked as he stepped towards him and Margret. He glanced at Margret who kept her arm wrapped around him.

"I was at the skatepark, then I walked around with a friend, I came home then went over to a friends house." he explained. The cop gave him a stare and he knew that he was asking for this friends name.  "I was with Cassy Entler." he said. The cop noted that on his little note pad. "Can someone please tell me what happened?" he asked. The cop looked up at his mom who nodded.

"Your brother, Derreck Turner, was killed a couple nights ago. A couple hikers found his body in the woods and we identified him." Oliver looked at Margret who's eyes were wet but she was far from crying.

"How did he die?" he asked. The cop glanced down.

"We believe it was an animal attack but we're trying to figure out what he was doing out in the woods." he said. "Do you know?" Oliver shook his head. "One last question for you Mr. Turner...Have you been near the high school in the past few days?" He asked.

"No..Why?" he asked. The cop only smiled and shook his head, looking up at Oliver's mom as the other policeman headed towards the car.

"Well that will be all Ms. Turner." the cop nodded at Oliver's mom  and the other policeman got into the passenger seat of the car as the cop got into the drivers side. Oliver walked up to his mom as the cops drove away and hugged her.

"What the hell was he doing in the woods?" she sobbed, wiping her eyes on his shoulder.

"I don't know mom." He patted her on the back, looking at Jake. "Maybe him and some of his friends decided to go get drunk in the woods or something like they always do..." he sighed. "Or did." he muttered under his breath. His mom looked up at him, her eyes all swollen and red from crying.

"I'm going to go lay down." Oliver nodded and opened the door and closed the door for his mom. He looked from Jake to Margret and back to Jake and sighed, a tear falling from his eye.

"Well I want to know what the hell happened to my brother." he said, wiping his eyes. Jake bit his bottom lip and looked at Margret. Her eyes were narrowed.

"We need to tell you something Oliver." Jake ran his head across the back of his head.

"Jacob." Margret Growled.

"Listen up Margret, he probably already knows half of it so either you fucking tell him or I fucking tell him." he snapped. Margret looked around as a black Cadillac pulled into the driveway. Des climbed out of the driver's seat, zipping up her black leather jacket and then ran a hand through her hair, pushing it all over to the right side. She leaned up against the side of the car and looked over her shoulder as Cassy got out of the passenger side, wearing the same outfit as she was that morning. Her eyes had returned to the beautiful aqua blue and she seemed normal. She walked around the car and stood at the edge of the lawn, hands together, finger fidgeting as she stared at Oliver.

"Oliver. I would like to apologize about earlier." Margret stepped towards the steps, snarling at Cassy.

"What did you do to him?" she snarled. Cassy closed her eyes for a moment, hanging her head. Des just crossed her arms and looked towards the road.

"N-nothing." Cassy answered.

"I don't believe you." Margret replied, stepping towards Cassy the second she noticed Cassy's stutter.

"Listen up here, kay?" Des spoke up, stepping in between the two. "Cassy obviously isn't here for a fight and even if she was, she ain't going to do shit, got that wolf?" she asked Margret. Margret nodded as Des glanced up at Cassy then looked back to Margret. "We're leaving town, so you-" Before she could finish, Oliver spoke up.

"Wait, what? Why?" he asked, stepping down a step. Des rolled her eyes and sighed.

"That is none of your business blood bag." Des snapped. She looked up at Jake then at Margret before staring back at Oliver. "You should ask your 'best friends' about the wolves and that 'animal attack' on your brother." she said, putting a sarcastic tone to those certain words. Oliver glanced at Margret and Jake. Des climbed back into the car but Cassy stayed put, staring into Oliver's eyes. Des put down the window and whistled. "Cassy I swear to god if you don't get in the car this second." she started but Cassy ran over to the passenger side and climbed in before Des could say anything else. Des looked up at Oliver and gave him a strange look before driving away.

"What does she mean by that?" Oliver asked, looking at Margret. She sighed, closing her eyes.

"Oliver, you already know what we're going to tell you. I'm pretty sure that you can figure it out." She looked up at Oliver. "She did just call me wolf, did she not?" Margret noted, walking towards the road.

"Wait a minute..." Oliver muttered, stepping towards Margret. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. Oliver looked up at Jake. "You guys are like werewolves?" Jake chuckled.

"She is." he said. Margret gave him an evil stare. "I'm going home." He said before following the driveway to the road and walked out of sight. Margret turned and Oliver walked up to her.

"So tell me what Des was talking about."  he said quietly. A wind blew through and Margret shivered, rubbing her arm as she looked away. "Margret." he said sternly.

"It was my fault." She whispered. She looked back to him. "Hell, I might as well just show you." She grabbed his wirst and placed his hand on her forehead.


Okay Tell me what you think and comment what you think should be going on with Margret, Jake, anything cuz I have terrible writers block.

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