Chapter Seventeen

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"Oh so you finally lost your v-card, eh?" Maragret questioned, sitting down at the table on Oliver's back porch. He smiled nervously. She didn't bother to hide her anger or annoyance. "Oh, and you just so happen to loose it to that monster?" she added, staring at him. Oliver felt some fear, something he had never felt around her. But before, he didn't know what he was.

"Well, you're a monster too." he said, shrugging off the fear easily. She was his best friend, she'd never hurt him. Like Cassy. Margret's eyebrows pointed down in anger and she frowned.

"Well I wasn't thinking of you loosing it to me." she shot back, sipping her glass. Oliver chuckled. 

"Oh really?" he asked, leaning on the table, his arms overlapping each other. She smiled, setting her glass to the side as she coppied his motion.

"Yes really." she chuckled. He leaned back smiling. 

"Hey you guys." Cassy appeared at the side of the table. Margret remained still as Oliver jumped and fell back in his seat but Cassy was behind him and caught him. She laughed, helping him sit back up. "Remind me to never do that again." she stopped smiling, shooting a glare at Margret. Margret sneezed. 

"Sorry, I'm alergic to blood sucking bitches." MArgret said, sneezing again. Cassy rolled her eyes. 

"Oh you shouldn't hate me that much..." she began. "I am technically half of you." she smiled. A low growl formed in the back of Margrets throat.

"No you're not." she snarled. Her eyes started glowing yellow as Cassy's turned red and her fangs popped out. 

"Oh you wanna go wolfie?" Cassy chuckled, slowly standing. 

"Guys... Just calm down." Oliver said softly. Both seemed like they didn't hear him.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Margret smiled back, standing. Cassy threw back her head and let out a laugh Oliver found quite threatening. 

"Oh, what are you? The big bad wolf?" she asked, laughing at her own joke. Her face returned emotionless. "I could rip you in half."  she stated. Oliver stood up and hit the table with his fist. Both of them turned towards him, eyes returning to normal and Cassy's fangs disappearing.

"I don't know why you two hate each other so much, but it's got to stop." he almost yelled. Margret looked at Cassy. 

"She only hates me because I know the truth about her." Margret said. She stepped back. "The truth you should know, Ollie... Find me if you decide you want to know." she added before walking away. He reached out to stop her but Cassy took his hand.

"She's only jealous of me." Cassy whispered, pulling him into an embrace. "She wants you. And she regrets not taking you before me." She smiled, kissing him.  Oliver looked up to where Margret had once stood but Cassy moved her head so he was looking her in the eyes. "You have to trust me completely. There's nothing she knows that is bad. Please don't listen to her." she begged. Oliver looked down for a moment then looked back into her eyes. 

"Alright." he whispered. "I trust you." 


While playing with the newton balls Desra sat at the desk with her feet up on it. She looked up as Thomas opened the door and stepped in.

"She's here." he annouced. Desra let her feet fall to the ground as she stood up and leaned on the desk.

"Well let her the fuck in? Are you retarded or something?" she snapped. Thomas remained emotionless and moved out of the way, allowing in a woman with short blood red hair, pale skin and aqua eyes. She wore black skinny jeans, a leather jacket that was zipped up over a pink tank top and tall black combat boots.  Desra smiled. "Welcom Mrs. -"

"I prefer to be called Susanna." the woman interrupted. Desra struggled to keep her smiled, pushing a couple loose strands out of her face.

"Of course. Welcome Susanna. Please. Take a seat." Desra said through her teeth. Susanna sat down and leaned back, looking annoyed at Desra. "Now, you are a very famous bounty hunter in the vampire world." she said, sitting as she intertwined her hands together. Susanna nodded.

"For the past five thousand years." Susanna gloated, smiling. "Every contract has been killed." she continued, smiling. Desra nodded. "Just tell me who to kill." Susanna said simply. 

"You know her.... Casanova Entler.."  Desra said. Susanna leaned forward and opened her mouth, but quickly shut it, not saying a word. She leaned onto the desk.

"Casanova." she finally whispered. "What about the council? Her father?" she questioned. Desra lokked around nervously/

"They....They don't need to know about this. Desra said as Susanna leaned back and stared up into space. "So... Will you accept my contract?" she asked. Susanna stayed frozen for a moment then leaned forward again, looking Desra in the eyes. 

"I never refuse a contract." She stated. Desra smiled, setting the newton balls in motion. 

"So when should I expect her head?" Desra asked. Susanna looked up at her.

"My daughter will be dead by night fall tomorrow."

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